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Everything posted by Headless_donkey

  1. Unfortunately, our new puffer is no longer with us. He was eating like a champ and swimming around. We got home from some errands and found is body. I wasn't going to make a blog entry, but I thought report a failure. It is a sad day at the house.
  2. Gabriel I like your idea of breaking up the feeding to small sections. I think I will try that.
  3. I'll give you a piece, but you have to take it from the peacock mantis shrimp aka Sam the Butcher. BTW he loves his red macro LOL
  4. I agree with xcreonx. Our Harlequins eat like horses. They are up to at least two starfish a month. Personally I think they are worth it and have cool personalities.
  5. Jean-Michel Cousteau : Ocean Adventures | PBS It's not the exact video, but you get the idea
  6. The moto was an older one. It has know since been replaced.
  7. Headless_donkey


    Welcome to the club! You should take pics of your tanks and start a blog. Sexy shrimp are the best!
  8. I have a dual inline and sometimes I wish I had a hand held.
  9. I think your right Andrew and unfortunately I think it might be time for a new camera. You should play with the settings and see if you get some cool "art" shots.
  10. I would try Aquatek, but I am pretty sure mail order is going to be cheaper.
  11. I don't know the answer, but you should come to the meeting on August 4th when we are talking about CA Reactors.
  12. Jawbone It was developed for the military or so I was told. I have a cheap jabra and it SUCKS! Heck I would trade it for some mushrooms. I can barely use it. I had a motorola for a while before I ran over it with my car. It worked well. I miss it.
  13. Sounds like another water change. At least you got the nitrates down some.
  14. Meticulous preparation! It looks like y'all are coming along great. Jennifer and I had to stop "looking" at LFS because it was costing WAAAY too much. It got so bad we bought an RO/DI unti and mix our own slat water now. I hope the fuge repair works out.
  15. As for the water change I would test the water tomorrow and see what you get. I would try to roll until Tuesday. Sorry, about the blenny. I would think unless he is HUGE you should be on the down hill run. Please don't quote me on that.
  16. In this case I would mix for an hour or two and do the change. I would start another batch of water like Noodle suggested for the up coming days. It may seem like your using a ton of water and salt, but that is better then your tank going south. I also wouldn't panic too much.
  17. Water change! Is something rotting in the tank? Nitrites are not a good sign. I my guess is something died, you haven't found it, and it is decaying in the tank. I would do another 20 gallon or at least ten gallon change (assuming your tank is 40 gallons). The cheato should help, but the immediate solution is a water change. Cutting back on feeding is also an excellent idea. It could be food and tons of waste is causing that less then perfect water conditions. Do you have bio balls in the system? If so I would replace them with live rock rubble. I would also wash or replace any sponge or filter pads in the system. Nitrates are hard to battle. If these things don't work then you could try a remote sand bed, but that can be a touch more complicated.
  18. That looks great! The gray plumbing always looks so good. Where did you get the stand pipes? I can't wait to see the tank with water.
  19. at which petsmart do you work? BTW I will have some water tomorrow and live down south.
  20. We have a pretty good sized bunch of the macro. I will take $10, a few zoos, a ricordia (since our's met their maker. BOOOO!), snails, or one or two mushrooms. Give me a call at 653-4057. We are going to see a movie at 12:55, but please leave me a message. If no one takes it soon it will go to a LFS. BTW we live close to William Cannon and IH 35. Here is a pic -james
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