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Everything posted by Melissa

  1. I hear ya lol. Mine wedged itself into a hold in a rock right near my Supermans, and a few others I care more about. Once he started walking I peeled him off with no problem.
  2. I used my small powerhead in our BioCube when our GBTA wouldn't budge from a spot that I couldn't have him in. I pointed the stream closer to it to make it mad and it moved within a couple hours,
  3. Seahorses.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laura


      I hope my PM helped..:-)

    3. Melissa


      Yes it did Laura, thank you :)

    4. dapettit


      We love our little yellow reidi thanks Laura

  4. Starbucks now has Drive Thru traffic directors. Poor girl was so cold.

    1. JamesL


      If only there was some place she could have gotten a coffee ;)

    2. Elizzy


      I bet she drew the short straw.

    3. Melissa


      I told her she needed something hot to hold while out there.

  5. WOOHOO!! A Southside meeting! We will be there! I the Dome
  6. I accidently knocked some off our light into my tank, right over my 4 headed hammer coral. I lost all of them over a few days. I know they are more sensitive but still thought I would throw my 0.02 in. I hope it pulls through.
  7. Katz's is closing. :( I thought they never closed..

    1. JamesL


      :( I love their breakfast foods!
    2. diabeetus


      katz burgers??

  8. My clowns started hosting their GBTA last week, and now one kicked the other out :(

    1. mcallahan


      women always do that!

    2. JamesL


      Was one of the clowns snoring? :)

  9. Is this the same one from your other thread?
  10. I can't believe how far its come in just 6 months! It looks great. Do you still have your fat engineer goby?
  11. Honestly I don't know. I didn't have the right lighting to keep an anenome in my tank until recently, and killed 3 of them already learning this over the last year, so I decided to wait to get one until our 58 is set up with the new lights. Recently, the clown started hosting a rock cave near my engineer goby's entrance, but the rest of the clowns are not mature enough to respond to it. It's about 2 1/2- 3 yrs old.
  12. I decided to keep my "burnt orange" and misbar clowns in hopes that they pair up, so I am selling my Ocellaris. Asking $15 for it. Very fat and healthy. Eats anything you feed. Will also consider trade for corals. Please no GSP, Xenia, mushrooms, kenyas. Those have all been flourishing lol. Hmm gonna have to trim that soon now that I think about it.
  13. Almost have everything moved into my cube that I want to keep.

  14. How do you clean their tanks? Do you have to wear protective gear when reaching in? I was curious to know if they see the hand that feeds, if they try to attack it or anything. They are so pretty, and have amazing colors. I love watching them.
  15. Awww. I love your BPs. Did you keep them? I have a one eyed one that is such a ham.
  16. The information you stated and your link you provided contradict each other. In the link (if you read it..) it states 100l which is NOT 100 gallons. It is liters and that would make their recomendation a 26 gallon aquarium. The OP's mantis is only 5", so that tank is fine.
  17. Melissa

    Free crown conch

    I did find both shells from them
  18. Melissa

    Free crown conch

    I've had mine since January, and he doesn't bother the snails. Now, on a different side, I've tried on two occasions adding another conch, and both new ones each time ended up missing within a day or two. Maybe they don't like their own kind?
  19. Aquatek did have one last week when I went up.
  20. That is a great idea. I never thought about that.
  21. I have no experience in regards to babies and reef tanks, BUT, my niece (4) loves to come over and play with our catfish in the big tank. She loves to stand on a stool, and hold the pieces of fish and pellet and wait for one of the two to come up and slurp her fingers while searching for the hidden chunk, inside a clamped little fist. Neither of the catfish have the capability to actually bite her, (one not mentally, and the other physically deformed) and she loves when the RTC's whiskers come out of the water touch her face, and the giggles break out. I don't have kids toys at my house, aside from the random stuffed animals from claw machines (boring), and our 360 which she plays for a while... so she gets hours of fun with them and I too, have a blast. I bet our new niece would love our salt tank.
  22. I know the Dome has some. They had some about the size of a half dollar on up. I saw a couple at River City too, but I don't frequent many others, aside from Fishy Business.
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