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Everything posted by Derekreefer

  1. Mark, I need : QTY 1 http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/products/fragging-supplies/coral-propagation-tools-and-glue/6-coral-scalpel-w-5-blades-oceans-wonders.html QTY 1 http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/products/fragging-supplies/coral-propagation-tools-and-glue/6-coral-forceps-oceans-wonders.html QTY 1 http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/brs-mesh-filter-sock-4-x-8-00-1micron-w-draw-string.html QTY 1 http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/store/salifert-magnesium-aquarium-test-kit.html (decided to go with it) PM the total to paypal you. thanks Mark!
  2. I need a mg test kit. U recommend Salifert(sp?) ?
  3. Basically I'm trying to get rid of the orange digi. I can make a 1-2" frag for $5. I can make a larger piece of the green for $10.00. I have one frag of watermelons left: $10.00...on a cool zoa frag plug that looks like a rock.
  4. I do still have some. Your mailbox is full. I am unable to pm you.
  5. yea, aquascaping can be difficult. I try to make it look natural while at the same time leaving space for water to flow around the rocks, therefore helping remove detritus.
  6. They'll sign the books for a frag....haha
  7. Thanks for the invite offroad. I appreciate it. I guess ya'll are planning on leaving Sat morning and coming back in the evening? Mike, if you decide to go we both live close to each other so we can carpool as well.
  8. I am also planning on attending.....I'm looking forward to the speakers
  9. I am able to "peel" my zoas off the rock they are growing on.
  10. Go T5. Less energy consumption. Lots of options with bulbs. Cooler tank
  11. Green Digi - $10.00 - 3-4" Frag w/multiple branches Orange Digi - $10.00 - 3" Frag multiple branches Small rock with Watermelon Zoas - 10 polyps - $5.00, 20 polyps $10.00 Yellow Clown Goby not included
  12. I have a clown goby and a few SPS. He does not nip at them, but he does sit on them, and any other coral in the tank.
  13. +1 This has been my experience. I have a leopard wrasse who may be hunting them down and I have seen no more than a few in two years.
  14. Daaammmnnnnn those look cool. do you have your chalices in a low or high flow area?
  15. Not too bad. They clean up some stuff. I've had my tank for two years and seen a few...nothing died
  16. I also was a hater, until I hooked one up. I have messed with the placement and run it full bore on different modes. I have not been able to knock it off the glass which is the biggest thing I have heard against them.
  17. What size is your tank? An MP10 is good up to 50gallon'ish and is around $200 new same as that tunze ATO
  18. I have two peppermints, a fire shrimp and a marble shrimp. I have 5 ACANS and have not seen a shrimp mess with them. The peppermints seem to walk on everything though so maybe I have just not seen it.
  19. great question. Does anyone have a link to a calculator or is there a formula for calculating what pump you need?
  20. I think it is a needless stress and cruel. the fish get ich when weak or stressed. Just give the fish proper nutrition and a good stable environment and they will resist sickness themselves
  21. Cyano. U can use a siphon to suck out. Works best with a small dia flexible tubing. Do u protein skim?
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