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Everything posted by Derekreefer

  1. IS it all gone? I only need a few medium size pieces
  2. Derekreefer


    SPS recommendation: I have had great luck with branching Montipora's (Montipora Digitata). They are currently under T5 lighting, however, they also thrived under power compacts. They come in a variety of colors: green, red (looks orange to me), purple, and brown with blue polyps.
  3. +1 scrape. I enjoy looking at the tank from the sides so I have been more diligent with my scraping. That being said I think having excess coralline algae will help keep the problem algae at bay. In regards to the 2 part question I use ESV Bionic for CA / KH and I have had a coralline growth explosion in my former acrylic aquarium.
  4. AWESOME NEWS!!!! I guess it took the little guy a while to figure out from watching the other fishies that the food is good to eat.
  5. PM'd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want that dude
  6. Helo ongmat, I ended up going to AquaDome and picking one up. I could use another Koralia nano or K1. What do you have?
  7. What time are you testing your PH? It is best to check it after the lights have been on for awhile. Your PH will be naturally lower if you test in the morning.
  8. That's a trippy looking fish......I too wanna see how it swims.
  9. I am interested in the Nano or the K2 if the Colonel has not picked it up. I just left you a VM with my cell #
  10. Last night my Koralia 2 snapped where the red rod enters the back of the pump. thanks, Derek
  11. Thanks for the two nice sized Frags Lamont. I appreciate it. - Derek
  12. I have been dumping the old saltwater in different spots around the lawn. I have not noticed any deadspots.
  13. Yo dawg, I'll take the 2nd to biggest one or whatever. Can I come and meet you at your work sometime this week?
  14. That was awesome! I think you need to put out a workout DVD for Reef Junkies
  15. Hello Mike, May I get a Purple Validia Frag sometime this week when you are available?
  16. Sweet tank....that looks like the section off a reef. Excellent......
  17. Exactly...if the inhabitants are happy then who cares. I feel that regularly observing your tank and the inhabitants is more important than the tests. If you regularly watch your tank you will know things are wrong by changes in corals, fish etc...when you do thi long enough you will know when something is amiss. Confirm with testing then make appropriate changes.
  18. Do you used media bags with these or just let the carbon and GFO tumble around? I am currently running carbon in a media bag in a Aquaclear on my 29 gallon. It works but I clean the media bags twice a week. would a single canister be overkill for me?
  19. I also have an API test kit for nitrates. I also took water in to AquaDome to compare what there Seachem (i think) test kit showed. They both showed high when it was high (30ppm) when the tank was first set up. And both showed 5ppm recently. I get kinda paranoid sometimes about what reading i'm getting and aquadome tests my water for free. I have not used another test kit yet.
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