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Everything posted by Derek

  1. Yeah, they will be find. I usually just run a powerhead aimed about +45º from the surface of the water so that it circulates and aerates.
  2. That is awesome! Did you just happen to have that leotard laying around the house? Is that Megan's hair band? Did Megan enjoy the twins scene?
  3. Derek

    New addition

    Firefish can survive nuclear winter.
  4. Derek

    New addition

    Oh man. Awesome! I love those!
  5. Can do, just let me know what kind you like. August&Jake, can you let me know what day is best?
  6. I can make or buy something. How do 40 Dominoe's pizzas sound?
  7. Derek

    No Vacancy

    Nice setup. I love the clowns.
  8. Yeah, I haven't heard of that happening either. That is odd.
  9. Yep, just leave him. Darwinism will wean out the stupid.
  10. Derek

    Rock Anemones

    Get a bigger tank!
  11. Derek

    Rock Anemones

    Why do you not want it? It is awesome.
  12. Fish do have tongues. It could have been a parasite or low levels of oxygen in the tank. Wrasses and tangs need high oxygen levels to remain healthy. I used to lose wrasses all the time until I set my powerheads so that they caused a lot of ripples in the surface of the water. Now I do not have any problems with wrasses.
  13. Crap, I sound like a kid's cereal commercial. "Kids love it and it's mother approved."
  14. A cleaner shrimp wouldn't hurt. The best precaution though is good nutrition.
  15. If he's eating I would just let him be. Most fish will get over it.
  16. When I had a biocube that would happen to my fish all the time. I would always have to "fish" my clownfish out of there.
  17. Haha. We are enjoying the video. The quality is a lot better than I would have expected from a mobile device. Robin did a great job.
  18. The iPad doesn't have a video camera.
  19. Cute. Thanks for sharing. A Blackberry? I think she needs an iPhone 3G S.
  20. A rubbermaid trashcan or two would work. One for the rocks and one for the fish. Depending on how you get it done, it can probably take a few hours or a few days. If you get the overflow put in using silicon you have to wait 24 hours for it to cure.
  21. I think it is definitely worth it to do. I don't really trust HOB overflows. All it takes is a power outage or a slipped hose and your house is soaked.
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