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Everything posted by Derek

  1. Very nice! I love that huge frog spawn colony.
  2. It looks like Bart was excited too. He joined in on the dance and the victory lap.
  3. That is an absolutely exquisite setup. You definitely have a lovely collection of corals.
  4. Awesome. Thanks. That sucks that the coral is gone. It was gone fast.
  5. Derek


    Nice Rose!
  6. Order placed. Payment can be sent to me through PayPal... [email protected] Nick: $78.62 Derry: $81.64
  7. I have them added. The Polyp Rock has already been sold.
  8. It would arrive Wednesday or Thursday. At the latest Friday.
  9. It doesn't have to be from the Diver's Den.
  10. PS: I have the week off so I will be home to receive the delivery.
  11. Hey everyone. I am looking to order a bubble tip anemone from LiveAquaria.com's Diver's Den along with a few other things. I will place the order on Sunday around 3:00 PM. If you would like me to add you to the order, just let me know. We will all split the cost of shipping evenly. I can take payment in cash or through PayPal if I can figure out who to work the dang thing.
  12. They are super cool fish. I may get one when my larger tank comes in and gets established.
  13. Sounds more like a bristle worm attack to me. Especially since it happened to the sand sifter.
  14. Yay, validation! I am not crazy! I think it'd be cool if they did some kind of tool tip to at least tell you what the item is or have it listed at the top with a SOLD across it.
  15. Do any of you ever get frustrated when you look at the Diver's Den section of LiveAquaria.com and see that the thumbnail for the section is something really cool, but then that item isn't in the section? Occasionally I will see a really cool fish or frag on the section thumbnail and think "what is that?! that is awesome!" but when I try to find it in the section it is no longer there.
  16. Derek

    sump baffles

    You can definitely do without if you have an auto top off. I find the baffles to be useful. I put a bag of carbon in mine. The bag works as a mechanical filter and it forces the water through the carbon.
  17. I never said my family was normal. Haha.
  18. Oh man, that is epic. Kind of reminds me of how my grandfather got rid of kittens.
  19. Derek

    sump baffles

    The baffles are there to keep the water level stable on one side, like where your skimmer is. If the baffles weren't there you would always have to adjust your skimmer so that it skims properly.
  20. I think the best way to relocate the jaw is to just toss it in the freezer and get a new one. Generally when one of my fish has something wrong with it that prevents it from eating, I will keep it for a few days to see if it eats but when it starts looking malnourished I take it out and euthanize it. Nothing is more sad than seeing a beautiful fish just deteriorate and die.
  21. Derek

    240g Stock

    Glaxia should be fine. Mean corals will do it.
  22. Derek

    240g Stock

    I think you have a good batch of fish. They are awesome. I would go with Euphyllias. Of the corals that are available they would be the ones that would most likely not get eaten.
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