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Everything posted by Derek

  1. I'd just leave him be. Those are really hardy fish it will most likely recover on its own. It is stressed right now from being new. The ich will go away once it gets established.
  2. Derek


    Awesome duncans! I first thought it was a bubble tip anemone!
  3. Derek


    Fire Clown I think. They are really pretty. Similar to Tomatoes in temperment.
  4. That sucks. Sorry to hear that.
  5. Saddlebacks are so cute. I have one myself.
  6. Happy Birthday! March has been the month for birthdays.
  7. I'm pretty sure that is a tomato clown. Cinnamons have almost yellow tails.
  8. River City Aquatics has good prices on corals. AquaTek is a little more expensive, but they have a "bargain bin" coral tank that usually has some good finds in it. Alternatively you could check with members. I know that I am always up for passing around frags. I can probably hook you up with some mushrooms, a small kenya tree frag, and some pom pom xenia. The pom pom xenia may be a month or two, it is still growing back from my last fragging round with it.
  9. Derek

    what is this?

    Could be diatoms. Is there a lot of flow going between the polyps or is it in a stagnant area? PS: Awesome clove polyps. I love those things.
  10. Definitely. I home inspector should be able to tell you if it can support the tank or not.
  11. I'd just leave him be. He'll be fine. Clowns are really hardy. It does sound like ick. It should go away in after he gets less stressed out.
  12. Definitely. A water change would be good as well would the carbon and air stone.
  13. This is unacceptable. Your punishment is to bring back a frag for each person who attends the meeting.
  14. Hmm, I don't think the hammer would have enough zap to really hurt an angler... maybe an angler that is small, like less than 2 inches. I have several euphyllias and have never had a problem with one of them hurting a fish or even a neighboring coral. With the skimmer filling up there is a definite possibility of a battle of sorts. The RBTA, depending on the size, could have expelled a bunch of waste causing a short high amount of ammonia to be in the water. Depends really on how much it is feed and if it has gone BM recently.
  15. Welcome. Damsels are essentially bullet proof. If you find a way to kill them other than throwing them on the floor or in the freezer, please share. I am a fan of damsels. I have a Starckii Damsel and love him. Do you have any pictures of your tank? We love pictures.
  16. Hmm, does he seem puffed up at all? I am kind of thinking that he might have some parasites, especially if you are feeding him wild pray.
  17. Hmm, it did get cold over the weekend. Has your tank temperature been okay?
  18. The fixture that I have is a Current Nova Extreme Pro Saltwater T-5 Fixture.
  19. I was looking at my tank last night and was thinking about my lighting configuration. I currently have a 36 inch T5 fixture over my tank. My tan is 36 inches long. The fixture has 3 10k tubes and 3 actinic tubes. I was kind of thinking about removing one of the actinic tubes and replacing it with another 10k tube. Would adding another 10k tube be more beneficial than having the 3rd actinic tube?
  20. Eww, maybe that's why my aunt's vegetables always tasted like iron! I'm going to have to ask her about that.
  21. Normally I'd volunteer some space but my flame angel would probably hurt the corals. Sorry.
  22. Looks like red grape calerpa to me.
  23. How can activated carbon be disposed of? Is it something that I can use to fertilize my plants or is it fairly not life friendly after it is used?
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