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Everything posted by doktorstick

  1. I'm pretty sure it is the Orange. Ball. Anemone. (Better?) I read a bit on Wet Web Media about it, and it had pictures that were pretty dang close. My observations of it matches the write-up, too--nocturnal, tentacles extended at night, fluoresces at club base, and folds in when it captures a tasty morsel. I need to start feeding these three every other night, apparently. The rock it is on will have a bit of competition--it's 1"x3" and has three orange-ball-anemones and several single-stalked polypy things.
  2. What about pseudocorynactis anemone (or pseudocorynactis corallimorph)?
  3. These were taken at night with the moonlights. It is about the size of a pencil eraser. The rock has three other smaller ones on it. They all fluoresce underneath the moonlights and actinics, which is observable in both pictures. As an aside, in the more natural lighting exposed picture, to the upper left, are those eggs of some sort? With the flash: With a long exposure:
  4. Their FAQ states salt creep is dramatically reduced since you have constant flow of water. They explain salt creep and why it happens and why their system has less salt creep. I thought about the leveling bit, too. That and you would have to make sure that the flow was not too fast so that the water clings to the outside of the glass and doesn't splash about. Sounds finicky to say the least.
  5. (This comment was removed by the site staff.)
  6. Ahh, yeah. Not what I'm looking for. I'm going for a more natural look with some macro in the display area. But I don't want anything that spreads like wildfire. Flame algae is on the list. I need some good green.
  7. Howdy. I was thinking about adding some mangroves to my DT. I know they grow pretty tall, so I would have to prune them to keep them well below the water level. Do they prune well? Or will it end up looking like I have sticks sticking out of my sand bed?
  8. How could I refuse a hosting by my favorite t-sipping reefer?
  9. Setup a Port A. "natural" tank then?
  10. Doh. I didn't even consider searching. Thanks!
  11. You would be hard-pressed to find someone that does not agree that the health care system needs some lovin'. However, I don't think government is the way to solve the problem. As for quoting Canadians or Europeans, many have second-hand anecdotal evidence that their system is either a) TEH AWESOME, or b) TEH SUCK. I have a contractor-turned-friend that's from Canada, and he won't be treated in Canada because of how abysmal it is. The Canadian healthcare system is falling down, and for specialist medical care, they contract with the United States. Wow. Fix medical malpractice lawsuits and doctor's insurance. Allow me to get insurance from another state. Yes, under federal law you cannot shop beyond your own state. Wow again. Competition drives prices down. Medicare and Social Security are bankrupt (government "humanitarian" policies). Do you believe the same will not happen with government health care? A quote from Thomas Jefferson that just seems very apropos: We must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and liberty or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debt, as that we must be taxed in our meat and in our drink, in our necessaries and our comforts, in our labors and our amusements, for our calling and our creeds...[we will] have no time to think, no means of calling our miss-managers to account but be glad to obtain subsistence by hiring ourselves to rivet their chains on the necks of our fellow-sufferers... And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for [another]... till the bulk of society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery... And the fore-horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression.
  12. Yeah, you can mitigate that by lowering a bucket off a pier and getting water that way. A boat off-shore is even better.
  13. Howdy. A few of my friends were talking about taking a day trip down to Port Aransas. While down there, we were going to grab some sand and ocean water (probably off a pier). But, more importantly we want to find some good places where pools of water collect when the tide washes out... to hunt for critters. Do you have any suggestions on locations in Port A. for such a scavenger hunt?
  14. Howdy. I /think/ I want a cheap airstone to drop in a bucket, trash can, whatever when I need to stir water for a bit. This is something adjunct to my normal mode of operation. I know next to nothing about airstones (nor the pumps they are attached to). Does anyone have a recommendation for a cheap airstone? Or would you suggest a small, low flow, submersible pump instead?
  15. doktorstick was ripped asunder by a wall of text. doktorstick dies. Anyone with summary skills trolling the board this evening?
  16. What's the purpose of an ORP probe?
  17. Howdy. I'm not to the point where I need to borrow a PAR meter, yet, but I'm wanting to line it up for when my LED lighting build is finished. I was asked questions about the PAR outputs at the ARC meeting and I wanted to provide some concrete readings at different depth levels. Thanks!
  18. I would question whether or not air is actually getting into the line when the pump shuts off. There's a few tricks you can use to help with this. See the FAQ section in www.autotopoff.com.
  19. Nice! One request. From the view new content page, it would be nice to have a link like the main desktop skin has--"mark content as read".
  20. Muddy, Is it cumulative? For instance, if you have a 400 gph main pump and 2 400 gph circulation pumps, is that a 1200 gph turn-over by your calculation?
  21. Requires rate plan of 900 min/mo (single) or 1400 min/mo (family).
  22. How long do the meetings usually go? My kiddo has sports that weekend and won't be done until about 3:30. A friend was also going to come, but the UT game overlaps methinks.
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