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i have these things that were on a piece of rock i got.they started out small and few.now after just over a year they are much bigger and there are several of them.i have never seen anything else just like them before.i dont have a good size reference except they are nearly as big a round as a baseball.



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It looks like a type of hairy mushroom coral. i have some but mine are all brown. they to get real big and have already split from 5 to 7 of them. Look this up online and see what you can find.

i have these things that were on a piece of rock i got.they started out small and few.now after just over a year they are much bigger and there are several of them.i have never seen anything else just like them before.i dont have a good size reference except they are nearly as big a round as a baseball.



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well when you find out let me know. It looks cool. Might even want one :o;)

i have one type of hairy mushroom.it looks totally different.this could certainly be a different type.i first thought it was some type of paly.then it got this big and doesnt look so much like one.
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I have some as well.

They are not rock anemones, and they certainly are not hairy mushrooms. I've been told several times that they are a rare Palythoa not often found in the hobby.

I like them. Mine move around all the time. What is strange is how they look exactly like my Duncans but without the skeleton.

I will be watching to see if anyone thinks they know what they are.

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medi:with the mouths the way they are they resemble some sort of small anemone,but they never have moved or done anything else to make me think thats what they were.

mike:i always thought they were identical to duncans as well.excepth the skeleton being nonexistant and they seem to have more color then most of the duncans i have seen.mine are in a rock that is very unique.it looks like ot has tubes attached to it,but it is the rock itself.these things come from inside those tubes

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the tubes are part of the rock.not the "thing"the thing has a foot for each separate mouth.the foot is just inside the tube on the rock so that the "thing" extends out of these holes in the rock.

My first guess was rock anemone as well but the tubes you are describing would throw that theory. Can we see a pick of the tubes?
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i honestly think they are some sort of paly.they have no skeleton.only a soft"foot".if i ever find out for sure and they are as rare as they seem. . . i'll have to give em a fancy name,frag em,then have me an auction :-) its almost vacation time and gas is skyrocketing again.

If those are palys, then those are bad***. I want a frag
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I just picked off about 3 of them about a week ago that were growing up around my tubbs zoo's. I have had them a various times in the past, always getting rid of them, and considered them a nuisance as if left alone, they seem to start taking over and killing off anything near them. I didn't know they were supposed to be rare. I saw one eat a hermit crab that had left its shell and gotten too close while on its way to its new shell.

I think they are a type of Paly.


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And not to be confused with majano anemones.

BTW are not Duncans called Whisker Corals by some, not positive so just asking.

Yes, Whisker and Duncans are the same. Duncan is short for their real name Duncanopsammia axifuga. Whisker Coral is like saying Frogspawn.

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i will try to make a couple of frags if/when i ever figure out what they are.they would only have 1-2 heads per frag.i know mike said his were not,but after watching them eat i keep thinking they could be some sort of rock anemone.i took sone pics yesterday of them eating.i'll try to post them tonight or yomorrow.

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