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Hi Everyone My name is Lucy Bruno.  You will know me if you are a local owner but you will probably know my email address too via FB - [email protected]

First I want to apologize by saying that I have been clearly mistaken with my Austin Reefers and where the true bloods really are.  I actually joined this a long while back but I believe when I joined there was a way to  join by hitting, "Join thru facebook". which is probably what I did.  So then I found Austin Reefers Club and have gotten really active on a few of the facebook groups (including the one I thought this was) but didn't know it was different.  And actually, the somewhat disappointment I always felt with the other team is because the real friends I wanted to have were here! So really, I'm sorry and I'm REALLY  happy to know you guys are out there.


Christy Floyd has been an Angel today for explaining to me what I have been doing wrong. (I'm not sure if it is the sausage or her true good-nature or both).  I have a bit of dilemma.  I have been posting everywhere on FB about us needing help moving 5 blocks in Round Rock. 

I need help on the 10th of June!! Noon to 2pm (if not less)  Free beer, good being able to put a voice to s name and SAUSAGE AND PEPPERS 1f336.png? homemade by 1st Generation from Sicily. I dare you to find better. Help guys, i am seriously in deep, deep water. i need help mismounting, moving and setting up my tanks. i'm in Round Round and the move is only 5 blocks away but when you have a 125, a 90 and a 55 (plus TONS OF stuff to sell that I have purchased in the last 2 years not knowing I wouldn't need now) growing from 6 tanks to 4, I have lots of SW extra lights, pumps, RO, , etc. i need A LOT of help moving! Or even moreso figuring out how to take apart and put together. Especially owning an old CRV!
Last year the "professionals in Austin" killed my seahorses in less that24 hours. I prefer people I talk to All the time and are as passionate as my tanks as I am.

I will pay you with some SERIOUSLY PASSPORT FROM SICILY still in hands Sausage and Peppers subs. Homemade that day chopped and stuffed that day homemade sausage. The recipe is well over 100 years old. You will NOT be disappointed.

And to show you I am truly a devoted and wanting member and all around good person- Dan from Blue line Coral put this up. So you can still get some stuff from Dan, free beer and sausage, make some new friends and have feel like you did your good deed for the day.  My address is 3527 Rock Shelf Lane, Round Rock 78681.  My number is 512-968-0246K87N8hDcQTTKKFTioSxqB8Q2BNX5JtAljwgAAAAB.  If you can't help, that's OK.  I really just want to say how happy I found this group and thank you Christy for helping me find them. 


Sorry, I don't know how to add what Blue Line Coral wrote about me but if you go to their webpage on FB or anywhere in FB group I have posted to you will  see the ad.


but it says

To sweeten the deal, anyone that helps out will get $10 BLC credit!!!


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[mention=463]FarmerTy[/mention] ty, think you could activate "the union"? [emoji4]

I forgot how to do that... Do I shine a light in the night sky or something?[emoji1]

Hopefully people will jump on to help with the move. My moving days are over for a bit until the little guy gets a bit older first.
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Normally I'd be happy to help but we already have plans for saturday, and I live far south so the roundtrip drive time + moving time is not feasible for me tomorrow.   

It's pretty short notice but hopefully some kind folks up north will step up.  Good luck!

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15 minutes ago, Christyef said:

Framer Ty said you can "rent" a huge container from RCA that will fit in an SUV to haul the water in one trip. Worth calling them

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Is there a dictionary in this website to refer back to?

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Hmm, apparently we lost our glossary resource in the transition to the new software.  I'll double check on that.

As for the other, welcome to the site, and thanks to Christy for all her assistance getting you here.

Hopefully some members can get there to help you this weekend.  Write down their names, for the first five that show up I'll reward them with some gift certificates to our sponsors.

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Is there a dictionary in this website to refer back to?

Were u referring to RCA? That's River City Aquatics. Jake, Elliot, and Francis are super nice guys! 512-219-7200

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A HUGE thank you to everyone that came! I'm sorry I didn't know you guys weren't coming back. I was about to put the steaks on when my husband pinged us to come over! Truly a pleasure to meet you all. And now that I know who you guys are where my new house is let's party!

Lucy, Doug, V, Fred and the pork chop!

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This is Doug. I too want to thank everyone for your help. I really appreciate the muscle. But I appreciate more the knowledge you all shared with us. We will have to all of you over for a BBQ or something with no moving involved.

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sorry we had to bail... wife's car needed a tuneup and my back needed flexoril!  save me some sausage and my furniture dolly thingies [emoji4]

You got it. Come get it whenever you want. [emoji16]

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oh... please make sure you go over to the clown tank and re-arrange.. we tried to spread things out,but the water was very cloudy... not sure if anything got squished accidentally!

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I second that. I was going to try to explain, but Lucy was down w/ a bad headache. (Hope u feel better). I tried not to overlap any nems, or rocks w/ nems, but like Isaac said the water was so milky it was hard to tell. Hope everything turns out good

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I second that. I was going to try to explain, but Lucy was down w/ a bad headache. (Hope u feel better). I tried not to overlap any nems, or rocks w/ nems, but like Isaac said the water was so milky it was hard to tell. Hope everything turns out good

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Thanks all. The nems are all happy and as usual have taken their place already. Remember the big light we had on it? Well one is jammed and we can't get the bulb to turn to work properly. Whoever said it has a volume control it does. Now we can keep one of them only on blue. So whoever it was "you called it!"

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