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My CaRX Folks - post your effluent rate and bubble rate


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Hey you calcium reactor loving reefers out there. In the spirit of sharing information, everyone post their effluent rate and bubble rate if known.

A FTS and some specs of the system would be nice too.

I'll go first:

CaRX - MTC Procal

Effluent rate - 0.5 L/min

Bubble rate - 1-2 bubbles/sec

pH - 6.45-6.55

Media - TLF Reborn

Uptake - 2.5 dKh/ daily


Calcium - 440 ppm

Alk - 7.5 dKh

Mg - 1400 ppm

NO3 - 5 ppm

PO4 - 0.03 ppm

Salinity - 1.025

Avg temp - 81 degrees

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6' frag tank specs

Georeef CR618 with Georeef 418 second chamber

Effluent rate - just barely not a stream

Co2 rate - 2 bubbles second on bubble counter, 1.2 bubbles sec on reactor bubble counter.

Reactor ph - 7.10

System ph - 8.25 day, 8 night.

Daily usage - .75 dkh daily in 160 actual gallons water.

Media - reborn with recommended amount of neomag

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Great idea for a thread!

System is 240g tank + 75g sump, heavy SPS.

CaRX - Reef Octopus CR3000 single 8" diameter 23" tall chamber

Effluent rate - 120-130mL/min or 0.12-0.13L/min measured by an Omega FTB321D micro-flowmeter

Bubble rate - Approximately 1-2 bubbles / second - Running 15psi on a carbon-doser set to 2.5 seconds which produces 1-3 bubbles every 2.5 seconds.

Reactor pH - 6.3-6.7 controlled by Apex

Media - 80% ARM Course, 20% Neomag

No idea on uptake

Tank pH - 7.9 at min, 8.16 max, 8.05 average

Alk - 8.6 - 8.8 dKh

Calcium - 450ish

Mg - 1450 - 1500ppm

NO3 - 2.5 ppm

PO4 - undetectible

Salinity - 35 ppt or Specific Gravity of 1.025

Temp - 80.7F min, 82F max, 80.9F avg





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No. I figure the people at Omega are probably more accurate than I am. Plus I'm not so much concerned about what the actual flow rate is so much as it's consistent.

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300g with 100g sump - Started in January 2016

CaRX - AE Tech ETSS 400

Effluent rate - approx 2 bubbles per second

Bubble rate - Unknown

Reactor pH - 6.6-6.7 controlled by Reef Angle

Media - TLF Reborn

Uptake - Approx 10 ppm per day

Test results 8-20-16

Alk - 130 ppm

Calcium - 480 ppm

Salinity - 1.026

Average temp 78.2

I don't have any testers for NO3, or PO4

I don't current supplement or test for Mg


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Volume- 180 DT, 30 fuge, 30 sump

LPS/SPS- 75%/25%-ish.

CaRX - Marine Life Aquatics CR-500

Effluent rate - 0.10-0.15 L/hr

Bubble rate - 5-6 bubbles/sec

pH - 6.5-6.7

Media - ARM Coarse, ~1% "ultramag"

My alkalinity is still out of whack, adding extra ca/mg in water change water to get the alk down. readings are before last water change...

Calcium - 440 ppm (target 480)

Alk - 12.5 dKh (target 8-9)

Mg - 1280 ppm (target 1350)

NO3 - 0 ppm

PO4 - 0.01 ppm

pH- 8.25-day, 8.1-night (+/- 0.05)

Salinity - 34.9 @78

Avg temp - 78.2 +/- 0.2

CARX to random red media reactor (25% ARM Coarse, 25% "ultramag") to effluent box w/ bubbler:


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