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Sump Leaking (Booooo!!!!)

Richard L

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Just I started thinking,"hey my tank is the most stable it's ever been" Murphy's Tank Law smacked me upside the head with a leaking seam in my sump. Came home for lunch for a and found the wet floor of doom. My apex's leak sensors didn't pick up on it for some reason however it did notice an abnormal rise in pH sot it shut my ATO/ kalk doser off so the tank's residents were completely unaware of potential crisis unfolding. It toke me an hour to rerig my my sump half of it could be fully drained. Then a trip to Regal Plastics for glue and a home a depot for denatured alcohol (cleaning agent). Seam is hopefully patched just need ps to cure overnight. Meanwhile I'm using all those accumulated pumps, hoses, clamps and doodads for a Rube Goldberg setup to keep everybody happy.

Thanks to those who have already offered to help. Things seem to be stable for now, just needed to vent.

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Ack! If you need anything let me know. That's really unfortunate and sucks the leak sensors didn't work. Makes me think I should test mine. Hmm.

In other news, how's the 6 line doing?

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