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  • 5 weeks later...

I can attest to the total lack of support with Digital Aquatics, and they still do not have their act together with the Net module for their years old version controller the Reefkeeper. Ensuring that their programming and support for their much more expensive Archon is not just the Reefkeeper programming with WIFI added in a new wrapper would be a very hard sell for me... Hey DA give me a call back OK...I've left a bunch of messages and I will not go away! HA!

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Neon Reefer. If you need help with this PM me. I am a Team DA member and also a beta tester for DA. If for some reason you do have a hardware issue I can relay that to Eric. I am very familiar with their equipment. One of your issues was with the email. The NET module is not SSL compliant. If the port for the mail server you are trying to use is SSL only it will not work. You will need to know the port for non SSL legacy products. I think you mentioned GMX. Have you tried port 110 with them. That used to be the port for no encryption. Also there are no DA apps.The ones available are third party. There used to be an iPhone app. I guess the individual that had it available did not want to keep paying to have it on the Apple site when they were giving it away for free. I still have it installed on my iPad although I don't use it anymore with the Archon.

I checked you post on the DA forum. You never replied back that you were still having a problem setting it up.

As far as the Archon. There is no comparison to it and the RKL RKE other than some of the functions are the same. Some have minor difference and others don't exist on the RKE or RKL. There is no key pad or display on the controller it is all web based. Most any device with a web browser will work with it. I have had one since the first of December. It is a linux based computer with a onboard module that has basically a SLX, APC and ALC modules built into the controller. It also has 2 PCM output ports that I currently use with my LED's driven with Meanwell LDD drivers.

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