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Tank Crawl?


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Great idea Mike!

+1 for open house schedule. Without a schedule it would be hard for someone to attend other open houses and be on the list for that day.

House 1 - 1:00 - 1:30

House 2 - 1:45 - 2:15

House 3 - 2:30 - 3:00


If my house were 3, then I could attend 1 and 4 safely. If not, then I could only attend the houses after my own.

I think we'd need at least 2 hour commitment for each host, 30 min is too short to have multiple groups or others show up. Given the distances involved it often takes that long to get around, and with traffic you'd hate to drive all the way to a location to find out they just left.

I'm also thinking that July or August would be the best time to do this. There's less traffic, and our normal monthly meetings always take a dip in attendance during the summer.

That lets us have our scheduled May meeting, C4 in June, and then roll into a tank crawl the month after.

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I like the idea of doing like a "North Austin" tank crawl with say like 5 houses. We start a thread called North Austin Tank Crawl, with the planned 5 houses to go to and in which order we'll be going to them.

We then all meet at the first house, enjoy the first tank, then leave our cars there and carpool to the rest.

We can update the thread as we go with pictures and notification of when we head to the next house so anybody can join up with the group. At the end, we go back to the first house and we can vote for the best "this tank" or "that tank", give out prizes, and then everyone go home.

This gives the ability for the people on the tour to be part of the festivities too and not have to wait around for an hour or so for people to randomly drop by during that time frame.

What do you guys think? That way everyone gets to have fun instead of the hosts waiting around for people to come by and see their tanks and don't really get to see anybody else's tank that day as well.

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I like the idea of doing like a "North Austin" tank crawl with say like 5 houses. We start a thread called North Austin Tank Crawl, with the planned 5 houses to go to and in which order we'll be going to them.

We then all meet at the first house, enjoy the first tank, then leave our cars there and carpool to the rest.

We can update the thread as we go with pictures and notification of when we head to the next house so anybody can join up with the group. At the end, we go back to the first house and we can vote for the best "this tank" or "that tank", give out prizes, and then everyone go home.

This gives the ability for the people on the tour to be part of the festivities too and not have to wait around for an hour or so for people to randomly drop by during that time frame.

What do you guys think? That way everyone gets to have fun instead of the hosts waiting around for people to come by and see their tanks and don't really get to see anybody else's tank that day as well.

I think that's spot on. You could even have a carpool location (like a restaurant/bar) to be the start/end point so that afterwards we have a place to grab a beverage afterwards. Obviously that way if you can't stay the whole time, drive yourself and bail when you need.

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K, now that this is starting to take shape here is my foundation like input:

This conversation needs comitment...I see a lot of talk and little planning. That being said, North Austin/Lakeway is the obvious first crawl to get the ball rolling on the concept.

I suggest the first two being one each of Ty and Mike's concepts. Then perhaps a vote thread to decide if and how to proceed after that.

South Austin is going to be a bit harder to do because lets face facts: We're lazy stoners who don't know how to drive and can't keep thoughts long enough to organize much of anything. <--- see the humor?

But really, I just get the impression there are higher density tank areas North of the river than south....don't know why, just do.

SOOO what's the first Zip code? Dan's house is this weekend, right? Tank Crawl after? Pretty sure barring an emergency at work I'll be there Saturday!

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I like the idea of start at restaurant or bar so parking will be easy not upsetting any neighbors. I'll be ready for the 2nd time around Cedar Park/Leander run. Decided to keep the big tank. Hope to drill next week. So I will have 3 tanks up for a little while. 220, 75, 55. This really sounds like fun.

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I mentioned this at the meetup, but I'll post it here as well. I would be really interested in a "Noob Tank Owner" version of this, in which anyone (especially experienced reefers) could crawl to a few of our tanks that are new and offer advice on anything from build to aquascape to "why is this fish in this tank?" sort of advice/praise.

I know there are other noob reef keepers other than myself that would love folks to stop by and offer advice!

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I think the noob tank crawl is a great idea! Although I would suggest that if you're looking for constructive criticism, a big crowd might be hard to get good opinions vs jsut a few people really looking and poking around, discussing things. Certainly if you were looking to get some advice, I'm sure you could just ask some of the people or even just post an "open house" or something. I know I'd love to help/visit people's tanks. After all who doesn't like to talk nerd shop. :)

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