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Extreme Frustration


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When it rains it pours! The life part will straighten it's self out, as long as you got that beautiful family you got all you need! If all our fish tanks went without issue coral would be a lot cheaper, it happens just make sure you learn from it. With sps I highly recommend 2 part dosing. I've had mine set for over a year and a half and have only tested alk twice In 2015 (maby it's time to test again!) and it's been perfect. No one wants to spend extra money on equipment but nothing beats peace of mind.

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When it rains it pours! The life part will straighten it's self out, as long as you got that beautiful family you got all you need! If all our fish tanks went without issue coral would be a lot cheaper, it happens just make sure you learn from it. With sps I highly recommend 2 part dosing. I've had mine set for over a year and a half and have only tested alk twice In 2015 (maby it's time to test again!) and it's been perfect. No one wants to spend extra money on equipment but nothing beats peace of mind.

Well spoken. Don't know why I stopped using Kalk if it was working perfect for me.
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I've used an Acetate one part for 4 years now on different tanks and couldn't be happier. Run it thru the ATO just like caulk except you can run it in concentrations for heavy stony tanks way higher than caulk. Still have to rebalance the Alk periodically like caulk. But easy to keep rock solid numbers. Yes it is more expensive than kaulk, but what's not! My 75 is growing too fast and is dense and I go thru a $40 bottle every three months now. Uh about the cost of a cup of coffee per day, small cup of coffee from the Exxon not Starbucks.

Glad we could work out a deal by the way and tell Reburn I have a nice frag of sump'n sump'n for him when ever he gets his new tank together.

Good luck bro' and get an excused absence from the dean of your college and the prof will have no choice but to drop the grade or give you an opportunity to make up the points.


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I was starting to get over this being that I have a very nice coral shipment waiting for my at the local UPS shop but I found that I am still very bugged by this. I emailed red sea and called them when it happened. I had to leave a voicemail due to them not being in during my call but I also sent a very detailed yet professional email to them about the issue. I have yet to hear back from them via phone call or email. I only received an automated message thanking me for contacting them. I expected more from RS. What a shame. I still see little clusters of their product randomly be pushed out from my return pump. On a brighter note, guess who is switching to Korralin Zucht products?

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Reburn is working on getting a new tank together but it will be a hot minute. On top of the frag tank that is destined to arrive any month.


I'm sure Red Sea will respond your concerns and complaints are probably outside of their normal customer service boundaries and it probably has been escalated to someone other then a CSR.

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I was starting to get over this being that I have a very nice coral shipment waiting for my at the local UPS shop but I found that I am still very bugged by this. I emailed red sea and called them when it happened. I had to leave a voicemail due to them not being in during my call but I also sent a very detailed yet professional email to them about the issue. I have yet to hear back from them via phone call or email. I only received an automated message thanking me for contacting them. I expected more from RS. What a shame. I still see little clusters of their product randomly be pushed out from my return pump. On a brighter note, guess who is switching to Korralin Zucht products?

If you're going 2-part long term, KZ is super expensive. I'd just go BRS. The only reason I use b-ionic is a got a crazy good deal. The only other thing I dose is amino's. As hobbyists, we can't test for hardly any other trace elements reliably, and I think it's one of the reason we get mystery problems so frequently. Sometimes I even wonder if we should be dosing amino's without any way to quantify them. Water changes are suspect even, because we don't have a great handle on their content. I feel like the best solution might be the simplest salt (instant ocean?) and a CaRx, which just melts pre-existing coral skeletons back into solution.

I'm rambling.

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I often wonder about aminos as well.

On my next tank I'm going to try not dosing any thing except kalk for my alk with intentions of upgrading to a CaRx when it's needed. That way if I want to I can try dosing an aminos for 6 weeks and actually see if they are doing anything. I have read a many quarrels on nano reef about how aminos are not needed and do nothing except get skimmed out and contribute to algae problems.

My 0.02 cents manny. If kalk was working for you and keeping up with your demand I would go back to it.

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I often wonder about aminos as well.

On my next tank I'm going to try not dosing any thing except kalk for my alk with intentions of upgrading to a CaRx when it's needed. That way if I want to I can try dosing an aminos for 6 weeks and actually see if they are doing anything. I have read a many quarrels on nano reef about how aminos are not needed and do nothing except get skimmed out and contribute to algae problems.

My 0.02 cents manny. If kalk was working for you and keeping up with your demand I would go back to it.

Exactly what I will do is go back to Kalk.
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