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Sparkle's custom Nano build, need a little help!


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I ended up ordering the Tunze Nano osmolator, I have yet to order lights. Not a big deal because I'm still in my cycle. It's strange, I kinda don't want to order the Current Orbit LED's but I dont see much option. I love the look of other lights such as the maxspect nano but the Current is the only one that sits directly on top of the tank where no light leaks out. I don't know about everybody but I'm not a fan of light leaking over the tank and I'm really not a fan of most hanging or mounting kits. I would love by some wizardry that the exact light I want would come out in the next week but I don't think it will happen and I will end up with the Orbits. I'm not gonna be sad about it I think they are pretty good little lights I just want the color and shimmer of some of the other fixtures.

Also on a side note I have a MH single light setup that I would like to trade somebody for some corals at some point. I'm only putting this out there now because I would like the people that have helped me have the first crack at it.


I'm not at home right now but it also have a pendant, can't remember what it is right now but it is a nice one. Or at least it was a nice one five years ago.

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I am unsure about something and would love some input. The tank foot print for my tank is not big but I want to make sure I have enough flow. I upgraded the return to a MJ1200 but I'm just not sure it will be enough. I know flow isnt all about numbers and more and placement but I really want to avoid putting a powerhead in the tank because to me it will be an eyesore. I was thinking if I added another MJ1200 to the back so each return was connected to it I maybe could get away with it but I don't want to go out of my way for nothing.

What do you guys/gals think? I know I could keep softies happy but I more interested if it will be enough for the tank and any corals I decide to put in. I know i wont be able to get a for sure answer but any input is welcome.


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returns can usually be "baffled" down by changing output pieces, I am a more is better guy when it comes to return; so I say adjust from nozzle to flat ended and then find the perfect direction. (I like the corners of the tank but pointed slightly down)

On the other hand, I am not going to do the research at that flow and head rate but is there not an adjustable pump at that rate? Since you brought it up I am pretty sure my next tank upgrade will include dual adjustable return pumps!!

I wish I would have seen this thread earlier, I LOVE my hydor ATO.


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I ended up ordering the Tunze Nano osmolator, I have yet to order lights. Not a big deal because I'm still in my cycle. It's strange, I kinda don't want to order the Current Orbit LED's but I dont see much option. I love the look of other lights such as the maxspect nano but the Current is the only one that sits directly on top of the tank where no light leaks out. I don't know about everybody but I'm not a fan of light leaking over the tank and I'm really not a fan of most hanging or mounting kits. I would love by some wizardry that the exact light I want would come out in the next week but I don't think it will happen and I will end up with the Orbits. I'm not gonna be sad about it I think they are pretty good little lights I just want the color and shimmer of some of the other fixtures.

I have numerous nano tunze's. You dont need to use a spacer, the problem is most people assemble the float incorrectly. In their defense, tunze does a terrible job at conveying how it should be setup. When you snap in the housing to the magnet, set it in the water till it floats to the top. Look at the float from the side, if the top of the float is leaning backwards against the magnet, this is fine. However, if the float is tipping forward, this is when the issue arises. Simply remove the float guard and flip it upside down. Also, make it a point to clean the float shaft occasionally, as tube worms, colonistas, etc, love to climb all over it, causing it to jam or become less responsive. They are also quite sensitive to wave makers and turbulent water.

Edited by esacjack
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