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470 Gallon Mixed Reef


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ahhh what do you think that guy was? He looked liked a hybrid.

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Yeah Hybrid Clarion x Passer Angel.

Clarion Island is about 100 miles away from Cabo and some Clarions have been spotted there. The place is full of Passers, so makes sense.

The government brought in a pair of mating Clarions to Cabo, but they haven't been seen since apparently according to our boat captain.

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  • 2 months later...

One of these guys should be arriving early next week xyxthumbs.gif

Getting it from Jordan at Among The Reef ([email protected]), really who I'm using for all my rare fish now smile.gif




He just imported a large batch of fish from Mauritius. The Gems were an unbeatable price and also not the more common ones from Madagascar or mainland Africa.

I'm a little worried about how the Black and Yellow Tangs will treat him. I used an acclimation box and then a huge mirror when I introduced our large CBB. The first CBB was killed from intimidation from the Black and Yellow. After the acclimation box, the second (current) CBB was also getting beat up, but the huge mirror kept the Black and Yellows constant attention, and now the CBB is just fine.

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Wow those guys look awesome! I've never heard of the mirror trick? Is it a permanent set up? Or when do you remove it?


Normally just set it up a day or two before I let them out of the acclimation box.

With the CBB and tangs I waited 5 days. With the last angel I added and the Bandit I waited two weeks to take the mirror down. The Bandit was being a huge ***...

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Got the Gem Tang in yesterday and after about an hour of acclimation I had "issues" getting him into the tank.

First he got stuck in the bag, then he got stuck in the container I used to drain out the bag's water...

Tore his dorsal fin a bit, but it'll grow right back in no time.

He ate nori in the first few minutes and a mix of frozen, pellets and flakes in the evening smile.png

Here's a video of him eating mysis and formula 1 and 2 flakes soaked in Selcon and Vitachem.

Thanks so much to Jordan at Among The Reef again biggrin.png

[email protected]

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Sweet .... Impressive setup!

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Thanks :)

Our large CBB passed away yesterday :(

Just giving up on these... not sure if it's the diet or aggressive nature of the tank that does them in.

This one got along with the tangs, but the Bandit Angel would chase it from time to time.

He ate with gusto and seemed fine until yesterday. Ate mysis, formula flakes (3 variants), spirulina and a huge variety of mixed frozen meaty foods...

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  • 4 months later...

Gem Tang's colors look great in his little prison smile.png

He'll need to stay in his acclimation box until all the other tangs are ready.

The Achilles, Achilles Hybrid, Black Hybrid and Yellow Tangs are still in quarantine and will be for a while longer.

Should be getting a Zebra Tang soon, so I'll have to make everyone wait until it's done in QT...

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  • 4 weeks later...

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