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470 Gallon Mixed Reef


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Hey guys,

Sorry for the long delay in posting!

It's been a busy few weeks.

Finally got the tank back up to 1.026 and put my 12 week QT'ed snails and crabs back into the tank. Too bad I didn't feed them enough in QT and 3/4ths of the snails were taken out by the crabs.

After a few days of putting the snails and CUC back in, they have taken out about 1/3rd of the hair algae.

Wrapped up three groups of quarantined fish (three less tanks to take care of!) and moved the fish over to the display.

Added the following:

- Small Crosshatch Trigger Male

- Small Crosshatch Trigger Female

- Supermale Flame Wrasse

- Small Female Flame Wrasse

- Large Lineatus Wrasse Male

- (5) Lyretail Anthias Females

I'm going to run the lights at about 1/3rd power for the next two weeks until we get back from Maui.

Here is a video of them in the tank... they are a bit skittish, but have started acting more normal after a day or so.

Also bought 12 Nassarius and 12 Turbo Snails. I ordered extra large, and WOW they are the largest I've ever seen. They are going into the fishless frag tank for a 12 week QT. I'll supplement some food in the tank for them.

Ordered some coral as well, really happy with the pieces I got.

Already had the following in the frag tank:

- Large Frogspawn

- Multiple Head Trumpet

- Unknown Green/Blue SPS Pieces

Put the following into the tank for a 12 week QT:

- Neon Hammer

- Golden Torch

- Long Tentacle Plate

- Ricordia Mushroom

- Orange Scoly

- Some Pieces of Acropora

- Some Zoas

Really looking forward to getting some coral in the big tank smile.png

Here's a video of the frag tank:

After we get back from Maui we'll order some more fish as well smile.png

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How inconvenient that a trip to Maui would have to get in the way of further acquisitions!

LOL I know right! Actually messed with everything... had the Lineatus and Anthias in QT for 3 weeks and then decided we wanted more fish before we left. Ended up getting the Triggers and Flames with 5 weeks to QT. Did a pretty rushed QT procedure. Few days to get eating, then ParaGuard every single day for 28 days, with 3.5 rounds (last half dosage) of PraziPro mixed in.

Going on a ton of dives and snorkeling trips... really want to see some of the rarer Hawaiian fish. We'll see how that goes. Would actually just be happy to see different fish from the Caribbean.

Those triggers are awesome!

Yeah really liking them. Just hope they get a little less bashful. They seem to be keeping to themselves, but are sticking to one half of the tank. The male was weird when he went into QT, kept attacking the bottom glass, but that ended after a few days. I think they are just being strange after being moved into the display.

Going to leave the lights at about 40% while we're out of town. Just let everyone get adjusted better.

Have to start prepping easy to feed pre-made food that just needs to be thawed and dumped in for my parents to feed while they're watching the house and dogs. Also trying to figure out something that sinks and doesn't blow around the tank that I can fix nori to. Got larger pieces of PVC, but they just blew off. Tried smaller pieces last time we left town, with no luck. Going to try flat PVC caps tomorrow...

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While it may not fit for your criteria to sink, I use a clip and then tie a piece of fishing line to it and allow it to hang in the water mid-way. Then I just clip a piece of nori to it and drop in the tank and it hangs there until it gets eaten. I then just pull it back up by the string and it's ready to use for the next drop.

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While it may not fit for your criteria to sink, I use a clip and then tie a piece of fishing line to it and allow it to hang in the water mid-way. Then I just clip a piece of nori to it and drop in the tank and it hangs there until it gets eaten. I then just pull it back up by the string and it's ready to use for the next drop.

More than I want my parents doing.

I just want them to open a cover and drop it in.

I used little pieces of rock normally... but I'm too worried about scratches to use more rock.

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If I wanted, I could just throw the sheet of Nori in there and they'd grab it and tear it apart. No need to affix to anything. Not sure if your fish are at that comfort level with it yet or not but I would be happy with that as an temporary alternative for 2 weeks if it was me.

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Yeah they go for everything that touches the water.

Just want them to have something stationary to pick at during the day.

I think the flat PVC caps with rubberbands will work. Just too much flow in the tank for round PVC to stay put, even larger pieces.

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  • 4 months later...

Well it's been awhile since I updated the build.

Still a little bit of hair algae on the rocks that get hit by the sun during the day. I added 10 large Turbo Snails to the tank last weekend after they had been in QT for months. Also added 10 large Nassarius Snails to clean up the sand bed. They are easily 2" in size.

Also added 14 pieces of coral that were sitting in our frag tank for 3+ months. They were Golden Torch, Golden Hammer (Didn't do well in our frag tank), Frogspawn, Neon Hammer and some Zoas and SPS pieces. Also added 5 Huchtii Anthias we had in QT. The Copperband Butterfly we also added stopped eating after 9 weeks in QT after being harassed by the tangs. He died in our frag tank sad.png ... But hey guess it's finally becoming a "Mixed Reef" now haha...

We installed our Neptune DoS as well last weekend. I have it feeding new saltwater from a 50 gallon barrel to the area of the sump with the returns. I then have old tank water being pulled from near the skimmer and then drained to our washing machine drain.

Also finally got our new frag / grow out tank on it's stand last weekend. Need to work on the sump and plumbing, then will fill it up smile.png


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I was curious what the duty cycle for DoS's are, so I did the math. The max dose rate is 1.3 gal/hr, so I'm going to assume then that your DOSs are on for 1.5 hrs/day. The MTBF (mean time before failure) is 5,000 hours. At your current dose rate, your DOSs should last for 3,333 days or 9.1 years. Good on neptune :)

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I was curious what the duty cycle for DoS's are, so I did the math. The max dose rate is 1.3 gal/hr, so I'm going to assume then that your DOSs are on for 1.5 hrs/day. The MTBF (mean time before failure) is 5,000 hours. At your current dose rate, your DOSs should last for 3,333 days or 9.1 years. Good on neptune smile.png

Yeah spoke to them a lot before buying one. They said the motors are way overbuilt :)

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  • 1 month later...

Very nice! I'm torn whether to put it in my skimmer cup itself or in the skimmate locker. Do you run a skimmate locker?

No locker. Our cup holds a lot.

Would need to get like a 5G locker to really make it worth it. Might do it down the line, not sure.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Got our nitrates under control and lowered the Phosphates as much as they're coming down with water changes.

Now sitting at:

Temp 78.5
Alk 8.8
Salinity 1.026
N03 8 pmm
P04 0.18
Calc 490 ppm
PH 8.13

Will start up our GFO reactor tonight.

Also added a lot more lighting to the fuge... hopefully the Chaeto takes off...

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  • 4 months later...

Lots going on finally!

Swapped out all the controllers on the Jebaos (WPs/RWs) for APEX adapters. Running through 10 programs throughout the day. Really love this change!

Built the magnetic frames for the stand, going to skin them this weekend. Going to use some whitewashed / distressed boards. We measured wrong on one... oh well nobody will see it smile.png


Extended the siphon breaks on the returns and now aren't seeing too much flow back. This is the normal sump operational height and then with both return pumps off and also the skimmer off. The returns are on a battery backup, so should only turn off after about 2 hours of no power.



Acclimating the coral we took over from the frag tank after an 80 day QT period. The Rainbow Hammer was a little annoyed, but is now starting to come out a bit more. Some of the other LPS and ZOAs were annoyed when I was running more GFO, but I've cut back as I beat a lot of the GHA down. Have some SPS on the other side of the tank acclimating as well.



Went ahead and ordered the "final" 2 Kessil A360WEs as well. Bringing the total up to 6, which I think will do for the foreseeable future. Should be here Thursday. I'm really eager to see what another 2 will do. Going from 3 to 4 was a big difference.

Here are the new frags in the frag tank going through their 72+ day quarantine, along with the Linckias and a Sea Hare.




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New Kessils showed up smile.png


Have a nice collection of boxes now...


How the tank looked with 4 A360WEs:


6 A360WEs all in place:


Rewired and waiting on the control (stereo) cables to show up today:


I'll post a picture and/or video later when I get the other two powered up after the cables get here smile.png

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