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worm good or bad?


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freaked me out last nite when i woke up around 3am. never seen it this big. this thing is more than a foot long. it been in my tank around 5 years. didnt do any damage but i was scary when i saw it this big. it gave me a goosebumps. Glass was dirty sorry pics cant be any more clear. i thought it was bristle worm but color is much lighter compare to pinkish color.




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If it's a eunicid worm, aka krakon worm, it will have a single row of spines, one pair for each segment, along each side of its body instead of a small clump of bristles for each segment. I'm inclined to think they are scavengers. I pulled a dozen out of a tank a few years ago and was surprised as there was no evidence any corals were being eaten as is often reported. I have three in a small tank right now and they are refusing to eat the zoas I've tried (I need to get some better light to try different corals). If you find it creepy get rid of it as it will only get bigger.

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