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Largest Private Reef Tank


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yeah I don't see why he built it that way. He has all that money and ability to throw at it and he puts a giant pillar in the middle? I guess the couldn't come up with an elegant way to deal with the issue. Or at least he couldn't as he appears to build everything himself.

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The tank was awesome. I think I am in awe of the fact that the guy just builds something if he needs it. Oh see that router I built it because I wanted to. Oh my big *** RO system I built because I wanted different features. Oh my huge skimmers, I built those. And I thought I did good building my stand and canopy.

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just for perspective, what i found online is that the cabelas aquarium is 60.000 gallons. so, this guy built one 1/3 of the size of a public aquarium. i couldn't find anything on the sizes of the austin aquarium.

the pillar bugs you? really? if you can't see what you need through the 10 foot windows then you are just spoiled. i guess you could always take a swim.

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