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Sand Bed Depth


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How deep do you guys run your sand beds?

Right now I'm sitting at 2-2.5", going to try to fill in a few bare areas and get it down to 2".

My wife thinks it's way too thick...

What do you guys think?

BTW: Running Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand.

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As long as you plan on having some way of cleaning the gravel during water changes then it doesn't really matter. I think I'm at 2.5" w/ egg crate underneath and I found it was very benificial when I added my xmas wrasse that likes to bury itself each night. I do aggitate my sand in my display tank often though and run the siphon vacuum through it during water changes.

I also have some spots that are deeper than others and my diamond spotted goby likes to make mountains in the middle area.

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I feel 2 - 2.5 inches is really the "no man's zone" where it is not really benfical for filtration purposes but can lead to problems in the future when it decides to give up what it has accumulated over time. One inch or less or five inches or more!

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I agree with Andre. Unless you are seeking denitrification chemistry, I suggest <1".

What is the purpose of eggcrate on the bottom? Except for use with a Jaubert Plenum, I am missing the point.


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The reason I use eggcrate is because I have tonga branches that are very heavy and definately uneven on the left side of my tank so I have cement on the base to counter balance the weight. For the right side I have a huge rock column and with how heavy it is and how ackward it is to put down it provided me with peace of mind that I did not drop it on straight glass. For most of the front of my tank I may only have 1" but the middle may have up to 3" for sand burying fish.


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Yeah I'm on top of egg crate as well.

A lot of my changes will be done in small quantities daily.

Would inverts and fish that bury and sift the sand be good enough to keep the sand clean?

No. Now I may get some lip from Patrick but I personaly am on the CUC doesn't do anything bandwagon since after time they die and actually cause more of a mess than anything. Hermits kill other hermits and snails so unless your constantly purchasing more you'll be down to a skeleton crew in no time.

Now don't get me wrong. I still buy turbos and CUC packs here and there but there's a time in your aquarium life that you wish these snails would stop kamakazing off the glass upside down on the sandbed to die a slow painful death by crabs. Even after the crabs are done with them their is still stuff inside that smells putrid and needs to be removed. I also don't run a skimmer so what do I know.

I have an algae scrapper like this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/231157170793?lpid=82 that I comb through the sandbed prior to water changes.

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Well just finished moving some sand around and filling bare areas.

Using a piece of PVC with marked lines it looks like the sand bed is between .5 and 1.5 in various places.


BTW: Have a little bit of a sand cloud, most is now just residue on the acrylic. Going to clean off tomorrow night after I'm sure it's all settled.


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I agree with no hermit crabs. After that, I use janitors that multiply in sand bed: Florida Drawf Ceriths, bristle worms, micro stars. I do not clean my sandbeds.

LOL if any make it into the tank, they'll end up in the sump smile.png

Had great luck with turbos and ceriths.

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So far I have really liked my dwarf blue hermits. Yes they are slow eaters, but they are constantly attacking my cyano. But I have only been a salty for a few weeks now... That could change.

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I'm at 4 inches of medium grain sand (I almost said I have 4", but then I heard Chris laughing in my head). So far no problems. My inverts keep it stirred up pretty well.

i'm a little jealous. mine goes from about 1" to 3". but my tank is so short it'd look funny at 4" - 6".

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I run 2-2.5 in my 110 gallon and some times I'll notice a spot turning black and I'll point a power head that direction to change the flow up and it turn back to normal with a little time. I've transferred this sand in and out of 4 tanks now and have no issues. I've never cleaned it

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