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210g Bedroom Reef


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Wow nice tank and stand. I did the same in building my stand. Every time I walk by it I get a great feeling of knowing that I built it. This was the first time I ever attempted something like building a stand to hold a 180 gallon tank. The cedar looks amazing.

I can't wait to see how everything looks, I will definitely follow this thread

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  • 2 months later...

Update! She's full of water and running. Standalone fuge and the skimmer/return sump went together like a dream. The plumbing tried to show its' backside, but I beat it into submission. The lights are just "temporaried" on, so that I can see what I'm doing in the tank. I'll start on the rest of the cabinetry this week.





These are my lights. I'll be getting another pair just like this.


So, that's where I'm at right now. Skimmer is up and running, everything looks good. Dead shrimp are in the tank, so is the seed rock. It's off to the races now..........

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished up the woodwork on the canopy!


Then got it up on the tank, lights are mounted, and got the canopy doors done!


Cleanup crew is ordered. Lots of hair algae and pods in the tank. Water params look good. Once I finish the fuge lighting, and get the stand doors built it will be time to start stocking this bad boy. I can hardly wait.

Partial stock list (subject to change without notice, LOL)

Blonde Naso male with streamers

Desjardini Sailfin

Yellow Eyed Kole Tang

Hawaiian Flame wrasse trio

Exquisite Fairy Wrasse

Yellow Coris

McCloskers Flasher

Carpenters Flasher

Potters Wrasse

Chaoti Wrasse pair

Purple Queen Anthias harem

Pearly Jawfish

Pyramid Butterfly (maybe)

Black Leopard Wrasse

Cleaner Wrasses

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Looks great!

Question (or 3. And I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere.);

Is it camera angle or does the chamber on the left only have an inch left in it?

What are you doing for overflow capacity in the event of a power outage? Siphon break way up high on your returns/drains?

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Looks great!

Question (or 3. And I apologize if this has been answered elsewhere.);

Is it camera angle or does the chamber on the left only have an inch left in it?

What are you doing for overflow capacity in the event of a power outage? Siphon break way up high on your returns/drains?

Robb, it's the camera angle. Since the beast is in my bedroom, I have limited operating capacity with the camera :)

For overflow I have at least 15g capacity in the sump, I also have siphon breaks high in the overflows, and a check valve installed as a safety backup of sorts.

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Woot! Got the stand doors done and the magnets on the doors installed. Once the finish dries and I get the magnets installed on the stand, the cabinetry is done!

All that is left is to build the lights for the fuge, and then start stocking. Yeah BABY, it's about to start taking shape :) :)

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Woot! Got the stand doors done and the magnets on the doors installed. Once the finish dries and I get the magnets installed on the stand, the cabinetry is done!

All that is left is to build the lights for the fuge, and then start stocking. Yeah BABY, it's about to start taking shape smile.pngsmile.png

Photos!!! We need photos!!

What are your plans for your fuge lights?

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Fuge lights are just cfl floodlights from home depot, 5200k. Grows macro like crazy. I built an acrylic bracket so that I can hang three of them over my fuge. Lighting is reversed from the tank, so that it helps stabilize my ph. As soon as the hair algae gives it up, it will be time to start stocking. Whee!!

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Finished the last of the woodwork today. I trimmed out the corners of the tank with red cedar lathe, so now the silicone joints are hidden. qejupehe.jpggujyhy5e.jpg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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