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Freshwater tank question


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dumb question im certain, but why wouldnt you use RODI to fill it?

There's a few reasons, biggest one in my experience is that it removes all buffering capacity in the water so PH becomes extremely unstable. Others are the lack of nutrients make it impossible to grow plants and fish are very susceptible to HLLE.

Best bet is usually to go 50/50 with tap, or use a conditioner like equilibrium to add nutrients and buffering ability back into the water before using it.

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dumb question im certain, but why wouldnt you use RODI to fill it?

RODI water would kill the fish and plants instantly.

Why would it kill everything? Just curious.

No, I don't think it would. I do 25% water changes with RODI all the time (really just DI from RCA but filtered water). If I took a crustacean from my tank and dumped it in a bucket of DI water, it would have the same acclimation issues as from a pet store to your DT: temperature difference, pH 7.4 to pH 6, etc. I said crustacean, because they seem to be more sensitive to acclimation issues than a lot of fish. But fish have similar issues. Only there's not a salinity issue. I'm pretty sure my plants wouldn't care.

When RCA cleaned out my LR and DT to convert from SW to FW, I filled with straight DI. I knew that the calcium build-up in my return lines, etc. would buffer the hardness, and it has. I haven't added a single drop of tap, and everything's doing great. But I have KH, GH and pH higher than I actually want due to the stuff leftover from being SW.

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It's ok to use if you reconstitute it with some form of gh and kh buffer. For my fw tank I do water changes with 75% RODI and 25% tap. I put a tablespoon of 3:3:1 gh booster in the RODI water to get some minerals back in. Helps me keep the water soft, and nail in both GH and KH at about 5 degrees

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