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Clownfish fry collection


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My clowns laid their first clutch this week. I'm approaching 7 days and am wondering how you "successful" breeders capture the fry when they hatch. I've heard of using a flashlight, but could use more details. Any advice?

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Did they lay on something that you can pull out Mike?

Hatch night will typically be the night after you see silver eyes. Typically you would pass on collecting the first couple of batches while you get their cycle down...then you know what night they will hatch on because all pairs are different.

About half hour- hour after lights out they should hatch once you know when hatch night is.

I prefer pulling the eggs on hatch night and adding to a small system like 5g with rigid airline, digital thermometer and heater. Tank should be made up of display tank water at same time of pull or collection.

Use a cup or a syphon tool such as large turkey baster for collecting. Make sure pumps are off and everything is dark except a little spot light that the fry will swim to.

Sent from my HTC VIVID using Tapatalk

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We turn the pumps and lights off before "dark" that evening. Then, darken the whole room to "accelerate" the hatch. i.e., prevent any light from interfering with the normal hatch. Then, we set a flashlight on the corner of the tank away from the overflow, nem and other hungry dangers, and simply slowly dip a wide-mouthed cup in. Set all the babies in any tank you have set up as a growout, and voila, babies (after a little sweat, blood, and tear shed i may add). Fill the tank back up to replace cupped out water, turn on the lights and pumps back on, and enjoy!

We always collect the first batch from a pair because theyre the fewest in number and strength (as the parents get "better" at procreation, per say); this gives you the advantage of knowing that it will be the hardest batch you will ever conquer. If you fail, no big, but if you succeed, you know you can succeed when they get healthier and more numerous.

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Let me know how they turn out. I'd love to buy a few.

From my previous attempts and other comments from successful breeders, there's a big difference between even catching the fry and successfully raising them. I've had spawning pairs before but never been able to even catch the fry, so here's hoping for something different this time. I'll be happy to document here if I'm lucky.

According to the calendar I'm expecting them to hatch tonight or tomorrow. With my luck it'll be the night I'm not home to get them. :(

Did they lay on something that you can pull out Mike?

No, they laid on the shallow of one of the larger rocks in my tank. If they stick to that place and continue to lay I will try to position a tile or something easy to move in and out for the next clutch. I know that will make it significantly easier.

At this point I'm just really happy to have them laying. I got the fish over a year ago and even though they were paired up they just weren't mature enough. For the last several weeks I'd noticed momma's belly being big and little daddy dancing all the time that he wasn't grooming a nest so I'd hoped it was coming.

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