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1000g pump


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Hello. So I already have a 1000g pump, but I swear I have a curse where pumps go out on me, and I would like to see what would be your suggestions for reliable 1000-ish gallon pumps. Would like to have one ready as a replacement just in case the worst happens. thanks :-)

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It just surprised me with the 1000g part. I was thinking "someone needs to update their tank profile!" :D

You might save a little electrical cost by downsizing, but if it works....

The overflow, generally speaking, will only flow as much as its fed. Obviously, if you put a 25GPH return on it won't balance.

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I have a Mag 18 on my system, 92g D, 30g sump, in a manifold design pushing a skimmer, and a dual GFO/Carbon canister. I think using a 1000gph pump is fine, as long as the overflow can handle it more turn over.

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I'm also having an issue with air flowing through my drain pipes, causing bubbles to shoot out, even though the drain pipes are under the water. the micro bubbles still make their way through the baffles and the bubbles get passed back into my display tank. I personally don't like the bubbles. I've heard to join my two drain pipes with a T or Y PVC pipe, then T it off and cap one end and drill a small hole at the top of the cap. would that reduce the bubbles? or do I need to reduce the size of my drain lines?

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The way I understand it is if the bubbles are getting caught in the U-tube then you dont have enough flow through them (dont know how true that is i've never personally experienced it). On my 120 I have a hang on back that came with 2 U-tubes I was running a mag 9.5 it was noisier than I liked so swaped it with a mag 12 but I have only used 1 U-tube the entire time. I would probably try to pull one of the U-tubes and watch it and see how it does. By the way I have only used the mag drives and havent had any problems.

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