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Hello, I am new to this and I have had my take maybe two months now taking care of my beta fish. Just recently since my last water change i have noticed an abundance of an orange substance on my rocks and decorations. I noticed a small amount during the last water change it wiped off under hot water and i thought nothing of it. my beta seem fine is this normal? i recently have lost on fish in another take with seemingly no cause PLEASE HELPPPP

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Hello, I am new to this and I have had my take maybe two months now taking care of my beta fish. Just recently since my last water change i have noticed an abundance of an orange substance on my rocks and decorations. I noticed a small amount during the last water change it wiped off under hot water and i thought nothing of it. my beta seem fine is this normal? i recently have lost on fish in another take with seemingly no cause PLEASE HELPPPP

sounds like algae or diatoms. can you post a picture? if it is algae, your fish will not be at risk. post a pic and we'll go from there.

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The skull has not looked like this ever. It just started happening after the last water change which was only a few days ago we noticed it last night. the yellowish orange substance is on the decorations and rocks in 3 of the 5 tanks (5 compartments in one tank to separate the betas) the two outside tanks have just one spot on the decorations and one separation glass has it slightly on the wall. but again the fish seem normal. attentive, playing and eating healthy.


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my betas are pretty aggressive so I think they would eat a snail also he wouldn't be able to move to each compartment. as far as the algae can I pull the decorations clean it and replace it or leave it out? and as far as the leaving the lights off. I have a 3 setting LED light (white, blue and completely off.) which setting would be ok the blue or just off.

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how the heck did a freshwater tank in kentucky end up on austin reef club?! I mean welcome and all, but, i loled when i read that.

well you see, I just moved to Kentucky from florida and have been worried about my betas since the move because off the climate difference. I google searched the rust color on my decorations and it pulled up this forum I read some topics and the answers and felt everyone was very helpful. me being a first time take owner who would like to have a salt water take eventually could really use the help... considering in florida I had people from the pest stores to help me... but in this small town they only self fish at the local walmart... needless to say I don't trust any help from a walmart employee... thanks for the welcome though!

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As far as the skull, if you want to remove any decorations and soak them in bleach water it will remove the algae right away. You can rinse them off and put them back and they will be ok. Is this tank by a window or does it have a light on it? If it has lights, I would leave them on for less time every day. If its by a window, try blocking the sunlight from hitting it. A beta does not need much light and will be just fine! Welcome to the club!

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how the heck did a freshwater tank in kentucky end up on austin reef club?! I mean welcome and all, but, i loled when i read that.

Can't blame them for noticing we're awesome. Good luck with a saltwater tank at you local Walmart, though.

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my betas are pretty aggressive so I think they would eat a snail also he wouldn't be able to move to each compartment. as far as the algae can I pull the decorations clean it and replace it or leave it out? and as far as the leaving the lights off. I have a 3 setting LED light (white, blue and completely off.) which setting would be ok the blue or just off.

I would leave them off off, not blue. I doubt blue will do much, but why risk it. After the algae is under control you may want to cut back on how long the lights are on, too.

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I saw stuff like this all the time when I managed a pet store.

1. I think it's algae cause by overfeeding and/or excessive sunlight

2. Betas will not harm snails. Their "aggression" is a result of mating preference.

3. Don't use hot water on the gravel or decorations. Hot water removes the epoxy coating on the items and exposes chemicals and dyes to your water.

4. If you use bleach, then soak it in fresh water for 2 hours before you put it back into your tank. I've seen plenty of people poison their tanks.

5. You can leave the light off all you want. Fish don't need the light to be able to see. Your fixture is so you can see the fish. smile.png

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2. Betas will not harm snails. Their "aggression" is a result of mating preference.

it's funny, i got that from my girlfriend, the smarter of the two. but, we were in front of the tank discussing this and she saw more snail. no sooner than she said "latrice, you are not taking care of your snails" the little guy chomped one. he may have just knocked it off the glass, but it was still funny timing. it was a tiny baby snail. the big mama snail that was in the tank before the fish is fine. there has not been a snail explosion in that tank though. so we are hoping she is, and keeps eating the babies. of course, she may just be a spoiled snail that doesn't like snails.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it were me, I would wait it out and do big water changes. If its leaching something then let it do it. Otherwise you will just prolong the algae. Then after a couple months of big water changes (like 70% of matching temp and conditioned water) I would start to scrub affected areas at each water change. Which I would do weekly.

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2. Betas will not harm snails. Their "aggression" is a result of mating preference.

it's funny, i got that from my girlfriend, the smarter of the two. but, we were in front of the tank discussing this and she saw more snail. no sooner than she said "latrice, you are not taking care of your snails" the little guy chomped one. he may have just knocked it off the glass, but it was still funny timing. it was a tiny baby snail. the big mama snail that was in the tank before the fish is fine. there has not been a snail explosion in that tank though. so we are hoping she is, and keeps eating the babies. of course, she may just be a spoiled snail that doesn't like snails.

Haha funny story! Most people think Betas are aggressive because they have the name "fighting fish," but most don't know why they fight. The "fighting" part refers to the fish nipping the fins of other males. Female Betas choose males to mate with based on the length and color of the fins. It is unclear whether or not they find the fins attractive (like birds) or if they associate the long fins with strength and dominance. For most of the year the Betas are confined to small pools and puddles and their fins get longer. When the rains come, triggering the start of mating, the pools combine and males attempt to spawn.

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Haha funny story! Most people think Betas are aggressive because they have the name "fighting fish," but most don't know why they fight. The "fighting" part refers to the fish nipping the fins of other males. Female Betas choose males to mate with based on the length and color of the fins. It is unclear whether or not they find the fins attractive (like birds) or if they associate the long fins with strength and dominance. For most of the year the Betas are confined to small pools and puddles and their fins get longer. When the rains come, triggering the start of mating, the pools combine and males attempt to spawn.

I was very disappointed when I found out that if i were to put one in my larger tanks of community fish it would probably be nervous of everyone and hide. So much for the tough-guy attitude. They are really pretty fish. I think they would make a nice addition to a community tank if they weren't so timid.

It's possible that the fish is eating the pin sized snails. Almost everything will eat them before the shell gets hard.

this was a baby snail, but i am not sure when the shells harden - shrug. on a cool note, i did see Sirhan (my assassin snail) eat some snails yesterday. it was pretty neat, though not exactly a high speed chase and quick battle.

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I have kept betas in large community tanks without problems.

really? and they were happy and social? if that is the case I may try it. but, if he isn't happy then I will be buying the betta tank my g/f was eyeing at fish gallery. man that woman has some expensive tastes.

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I've never kept a Beta in a bowl. I kept freshwater for 12 years and had them in my larger community tanks. You can't keep them with anything aggressive or with other long finned fish. Normally the problem is not whether or not they get along with other fish, it's feeding them once they are in there. If you feed worms or brine then the other fish tend to eat them faster than the Betas and they starve.

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I've never kept a Beta in a bowl. I kept freshwater for 12 years and had them in my larger community tanks. You can't keep them with anything aggressive or with other long finned fish. Normally the problem is not whether or not they get along with other fish, it's feeding them once they are in there. If you feed worms or brine then the other fish tend to eat them faster than the Betas and they starve.

thanks. our current beta is in a 5 gallon tank, so he is not cramped and seems quite healthy and happy. if i get one for the community tank i'll make sure he gets food. i lean towards the overfeeding, so he should be able to get his due.

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