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Next Level H2O


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Thanks guys. Next I plan on adding a porcupine puffer and a couple more acro's for my tonga branch side and more mushrooms for my shelf underside.

I also think I will be selling/trading my acans that I took out of my LOST pico since I really only want clams on the shelf and I don't want to put them on my sandbed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would update my progress. Had Tim swing by and test my phosphates again and they creeped up a bit which is what we wanted with a now daily feeding but still under his recommendation of what I should be at. I do need to change the filter in my phosban reactor but I'm not having any issues with algae at the moment. I am still running skimmerless and haven't done a water change since I put the tank up. Thanks to Rory my upside down mushroom ledge looks awesome. The main problem that I have had is I can't keep a second tang alive for more than a month in my tank. I tried an atlantic blue, a convict tang, and mimic tang and all of them I found stuck in my rock work. I have had a regal blue for almost 6 months without any problem. Their not getting ich and they do live for a couple weeks until one day I find them dead and stuck. It's really pretty frustrating because none of my fish pick on them and they always get along with them. Think I'm going to try a large tang so he'll be too big to try to get in the rockwork.

Here's a progress gif of my 90


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had some mysterious brown slime take out 3 heads of my duncans. I immediately took my colony out and did a major hydrogen dip and dremeled it in half. I have them in the sand at the moment but tonight I will move them further apart. As you can see from the pic it completely bleached the stalks but the heads have started coming back out so hopefully I acted quick enough to save them.


Also had a problem with my evolution LEDs. I still need to take it apart when I have some free time and see if it's a driver issue that Tim says can be easily fixed.


My tunze 6055 is also out for service after the motor died on it. Now I'm debating on if I should pay the $115 to have it repaired or pick up another pump. My birthday is coming up in October so I'll decide by then but for now I still have 2 pumps in my tank providing enough flow.

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  • 4 months later...

Forgot about letting you guys know about my brittle star. In October he made it over a partition in the sump and got halfway sucked into the return inlet for the better part of a day. Once I got him out I thought he was a goner since he lost half his body and 2 tentacles but he is very resiliant. Here's a pic of him from






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  • 3 weeks later...

Today I decided it was spring cleaning time and thankfully I did. Turns out I had a small snail jammed in the inlet pipe and my pump had so much build up I'm surprised it was still kicking.

I've still got another 2-3 hours of cleaning to go along with a 20% water change.




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I should start logging when I do cleanings and water changes but if I had to guess a little more than a year at least.

The brittle star is doing fine and you can see his nubs growing but it'll probably take him another year to regrow both his arms to original length.

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  • 2 months later...

Thought I'd finally get to posting some pics of my tank. Things are doing ok. Having a hard time with sps at the moment and algae but hopefully will be getting that under control soon. Work and life have just been really hectic. I have a couple ideas in the hopper so hopefully I can get everything looking good again. I've added a couple fish in the last 2 months and they have all been doing well. I think around tax time I added another strip of the new BML XB fixture and Tim pieced together 2 mini cannons from spare parts. We tested the lighting with a par meter but I can't seem to find the pics of all the values here at work with me but it was basically a 300 par value around the middle of the tank so lighting is good. One of my favorite parts about the tank is the low white lights that come on at night. My next favorite part is my Duncan/LPS section. During C4 I picked up a couple other pieces so I'll need to snap a pic of the new additions.

Currently in my tank are the following:

Diamond Spotted Goby

2x Pajama Cardinals

2x Ocellaris Clownfish

2x Blue Chromis

Bartlett's Anthia

Xmas Wrasse

6 Line Wrasse

Yellow Tang

Porcupine Puffer

Some changes I want to implement soon is adding a controller, calcium reactor, and external skimmer so I'm in the research stage and hopefully next month I can pick them up.

I still need to skin my stand. I didn't think it was going to be this hard but I am a complete fail with it. Warped wood and just can't figure it out so I just have the wood leaning for now.















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So I've been trying to pay more attention to my tank after the holidays and a busy work schedule has sucked up my life. I've been noticing more and more algae after water changes and after chatting with Tyfucious© we pondered the idea of it being silicates. Well I went to do a water change and I was barely getting flow out of my return pump so I drained the return partition and took a look at the pump and it was fine. Then I took a look behind and didn't see anything until I started squeezing the tubing and felt the blockage. After removing and cleaning this is what I had in there. This is one of the main reasons I want to stop kalk dosing and switch to a calcium reactor. The other reason is even with dosing kalk I can't seem to get everything to level out as you can see in my charts. I did have a good 2 week window where my kalk was just one huge clump so I don't think it was really able to stir anything. I just hate how kalk has to just jam everything up. I think the main reason for my outbreak is due to everytime I restarted my return pump it would kick a lot of the crap into my display tank which is why I kept getting mini blooms during water changes. This stuff smelled horrible and I'm sure my shopvac got about 1/2 of it out before I had to disassemble it and bring it to my sink.






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