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So I'm thinking I have ich on my clownfish and don't have a qt or hospital tank to put them in. Any suggestions on how to treat it with all my coral and fish remaining in my DT? Seriously would hate to buy another clown after having a jumper and buying a near death clown without realizing it and having to buy another when that one bit it. Any help would surely be appreciated.

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Ich is common. It's like a cold for a fish. If it wasn't like that at the store then it could be due to stress. Since it's been cold I'd be leaning toward a 3 degree drop in temperature from transporting. Just let him be and don't cause him any more stress by trying to move him. You can probably ask someone on the forum close to you for a couple drops of garlic extract so you don't have to buy a bottle. Just 2 drops per frozen mysis cube should do it.

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Unfortunately, if you are seeing signs of ich, then it's likely your other fish will have it and just aren't showing signs. So if you go exchange it, the new one that you bring home will get it too.

You can use the juice in those minced garlic jars from the grocery store or buy garlic extract from an LFS. This is supposed to boost their immune system to fight off the parasite.

The only ways, from what I've read, to get rid of it is to do a copper treatment or hyposalinity treatment in a QT. Can't do either of those in your DT. If you do happen to loose your fish to ich, then I'd recommend not having any fish for 2-3 months to completely rid your DT of the parasite (they won't have anything to host on and will eventually die off). Set up a QT and quarantine all new fish for 4-6 weeks before adding them to you DT.

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I have a powder brown tang that i'm treating for ich. I have in a 10 gallon and treating him with Seachems copper. Its like $9.00 at aquadome. Also i am doing a Hyposalinity and have the salinity at 1.016 along with the copper. He just went in Monday and the white spots have turned dark gray. I hope thats a sign of the parasites dying off. I was going to leave him in my DT but Sunday night i saw him swimming around like crazy and rubbing himself on all the rocks. It must have been bothering real bad so i set up my quarantine. I have an extra 10gallon if you want to borrow it for a couple of weeks.

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I returned the clownfish in question to PETCO and their whole setup had ich today so I just got a gift card in return. I'm not seeing any signs of it on my other fish which are all black so it'd be easy to notice I figure. I'm just gonna wait it out and see if my whole DT is infested and if so I guess I'll be figuring out a QT. In the mean time I'll dose the cubes with some garlic extract at feeding time in hopes of helping. I really appreciate all the help guys, not as easy to handle now as it was in my African cichlid tank which just took temp increase and salt.

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I would soak his food in garlic extract and do a water change. You can also pick up a UV light rated for your tank size and that should help as well.

I would reitterate Brian's advice here. With any display tank I would only use a UV sterilizor. Keep in mind there are definitely different strains, some being more virulent than others so some people are able to get away with just using immune boosting additives but this may not work every time (not that it's not a good idea to do anyway). Also keep in mind sterilizers are also used for controlling algae and this causes some confusion as the flow and kill rate needed to kill algae is much lower than what is needed to control ich.

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I'm hoping I scrape by clean, no flashing on the rocks or spot on anything now but I'm keeping a close eye. Having more trouble than I figured trying to get another clown for my now lonely single male.

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1+ on uv sterilizer, you need to get them out of the water column, worked for me, made sure my temp and salinity stay stable, correct diet, and run a uv sterilizer for 6-8 weeks, did this and never had a sign of ich the past three years, but temp and salinity being stable is also just important, i found out that my heater had shorted when i was getting ich, and my temps were fluxuating like crazy

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Well I finally got my UV steralizer in, green killing machine 9v submersible. Anyone ever used this brand or know anything about them? Only been on a few hours but seems like its working fine. I was worried about some of the bad reviews I read but it did seem to have a lot more positive ones. I have a order from Fiji for some fish coming in so I definitely need this whooped before they get here, might not hurt to get that food either, just in case.

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  • 2 months later...

One thing you still have to remember is that just because it is no longer on your fish doesn't mean that it isn't still in your tank. Ich can lay dormant in your tank and show up when you least expect it

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