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tank raised HIPPO TANG.


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Allow me to be Tang Police for a minute...

I think a 120 is too small as well. These fish need swimming room and a 4ft long tank doesnt provide much, let alone a 92 corner. I'd even posit that the 144 half round is undersized for one. A 6ft long tank would be minimum IMO.

\rant off

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Allow me to be Tang Police for a minute...

I think a 120 is too small as well. These fish need swimming room and a 4ft long tank doesnt provide much, let alone a 92 corner. I'd even posit that the 144 half round is undersized for one. A 6ft long tank would be minimum IMO.

\rant off

You're probably right there. I was hoping that the curved edge would help because they could potentially follow it round for a longer swim ...plus I have a very open plan aquascape. Still not ideal though I know! I might give up on my hopes for a blue tang, I definitely wouldn't feel right with a full size one crammed in my tank. Might set my sights on a Yellow Tang instead. grin.png


Tank raised? I didn't know they were breeding them, where can you find tank raised juvies?

I don't think they're tank bred yet, but I have seen tank raised ones being sold online before. I believe either the eggs or juvis are collected from the wild and then raised in captivity. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to name names as they're not a sponsor, but google "tank raised blue tang" and you'll find them. I've never actually seen them in-stock though.

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