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Just created a site about my tanks, thoughts?


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Awesome!! In my MIS class we just built a site and after completing that assignment I wanted to build my own site to document everything!! Wish I had more time...

Also, AWESOME site!!

When I started with .net/SQL Server I'd just make little pages about stuff I liked. Actually the best I've done professionally with sites have been in areas I'm passionate about :)

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The links to different part of the blog are a bit hidden on the top of the page. I think moving them to the left or right in column format would help with navigation.

Not a bad idea, I have a ton of real estate on the right hand nav smile.png

You could setup a free blog on http://wordpress.com/ or http://www.blogger.com/. There's some other good free ones as well. Otherwise it can cost about $5 - $10 per month for a decent but low-end web host. You can use wordpress.org, or other blogging software for a really easy setup.

Thought I didn't want to make something from scratch at first... signed up for a blogger account and after 10 minutes I got mad at the lack of customization. Just used to having 100% control from the database to the frontend. Only took a week or so to get it all up. I had a slow week last week, so didn't really cut into work smile.png

Edited by offshore
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The links to different part of the blog are a bit hidden on the top of the page. I think moving them to the left or right in column format would help with navigation.

Sascha, went ahead and added the "Fish, Coral, Tanks, Equipment, Tips" navigation section to the righthand nav for all pages, even if drilled down to a particular fish, tank, etc...

Thanks for the suggestion!

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Very nice. Is it costly to do something like that? I've always wanted to try but don't know where to start.

Yeah Wordpress and Blogger would do great for you :)

My wife has a blog or two on Blogger.

Going to use my nuxx.org domain as a blog hub for all of our little blogs lol

I already spent the time to develop this little blog backend, so I can just change the frontend designs for different blogs my wife and I can do :)

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