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Minimalist aquascapes


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Does anyone have any minimalist aquascape going on? I'm working on a new build and I plan to do it minimalist style.

One of my inspirations and favorites I've seen so far is http://www.spsholic.com/entry/MRkangTank

There are a couple other tanks on that site that I love also.

If you have a pic of a favorite, a pic of yours or a link to a nice minimalist design please share :)

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that is amazing. i just did a very minimalist tank. it's a freshwater tank, but I think it is cool and worth looking. pics are in the fish gallery forum. my friend designed it.

Personally I prefer minimalist tanks. Maximize the volume you have. Maybe it doesn't look perfect on day 1 but it will look amazing once the coral grow out. One of my favorite tanks just had three pieces of rock on the sandbed then they let the coral grow out and fill the water column. I wish I could remember where I saw it. I seem to remember that it a gorgonian tank. It was stunning.

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that is amazing. i just did a very minimalist tank. it's a freshwater tank, but I think it is cool and worth looking. pics are in the fish gallery forum. my friend designed it.

Personally I prefer minimalist tanks. Maximize the volume you have. Maybe it doesn't look perfect on day 1 but it will look amazing once the coral grow out. One of my favorite tanks just had three pieces of rock on the sandbed then they let the coral grow out and fill the water column. I wish I could remember where I saw it. I seem to remember that it a gorgonian tank. It was stunning.

I saw that tank, it was a great design... almost made me send them and email and ask if they would do mine :P

I'm planning to mimic that rock work, out of ever minimalist tank I've seen I love how that one spans the tank but doesnt touch, it takes minimalist and mixes it with traditional.

Also if anyone wants to help sketch ideas of cool minimalist designs I'm open to all options... the rock scape is one place I'm still very unfamiliar with, always room to learn and be inspired.

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She's good. I like to think I'm pretty good at aquascaping but I wouldn't have come up with that in a million years. If you do want a consult I know she would be down. She told me she wants to do another tank. PM me if you're down. She is an artist so she can do anything from sketches to the actual setup. I was pretty **** impressed when she showed up on Sunday morning and rolled up her sleeves to do the rockwork herself! I'd love to see the same principals done with saltwater.

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Ya I saw all the google links and other forums but I don't want those links. I want to bring the pics here, have ideas here, make arc a link on google just like all the rc ones that pop up.

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Here's a few that I have bookmarked:


Still one of my favorites: http://www.rimlessreef.com/

The most minimalist: http://reefbuilders....o-population-1/

That bonsai tank is pretty!

Not a big fan of bare bottom tanks but I could do a single coral poco for fun one day

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I started off trying to go minimalist with my 175, but didn't quite end up there... I visited all of the links posted above, plus about 50 more... I ended up with a happy medium between a stack of rocks and minimalist by using pillars to get the height I wanted and leaving as much exposed sand as possible. I need to post some more current pics now that there is some coral in there.


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It's definitely subjective. The elegance cube should be minimalist by any standard. Otherwise, I generally consider low rock to tank volume, and effective use of negative space. Doesn't need to be bare bottom in my book but the negative space element is crucial.

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