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Finally--my first saltwater tank!


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Just starting out with my first saltwater tank....I've envied them for years, but years ago was strongly discouraged by a shop owner when I mentioned I'd like to make the change from fresh to salt....fast forward 10 years: I take the kids and husband into a couple of fish stores & THEY now insist we go salt--Yay me!

I've been doing lots of reading, asking lots of questions...making the short list for the list of candidates to be swimming in my living room...got the tank set up & added my first invertebrates this week. We would love to go on the trip to the coast, but can't make it this time--I would love to pick up any extra friends that anyone brings back that could use a loving home...currently we have live rock (and the friends that came with it), snails & hermit crabs.Haven't quite figured out what the plan is for plants, corals, anemones & the like yet, I am still reading & look forward to your suggestions

'Til next time,

Melissa wave.gif

Edited by melrosas
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Welcome aboard! I was in the sane position as you, always craving going salt, but being told it was too hard.

The hobby and tech have come a long way in recent years and its totally doable now... I actually find it easier than freshwater! Just take it nice and slow, esp during the first 6mths, that's the toughest time when everything is leveling out. Things get much easier to maintain after that.

Have fun! :)

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