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Moving to corpus


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Hello to all. It's been a long time since I have been on here, but a new chapter in my life is a bout to start and I have a few questions to ask. I'm moveing to corpus in the next couple of weeks to go to college at texas A&M Corpus christi. I'm taking my two fish tanks with me one is a 20 gallon long and the other is a 15 gallon.

I'll be moving: live stock

Tank 1

• pair of true ocellaris clowns

•Mated pair of yellow watchmen gobies

•coral banded shrimp

Tank 2

•Pair of ocellaris clowns

•yellow watchmen goby

• algae blennie

•hawk fish

So my questions are:

What is the best way to move them from Buda to Corpus?

Are their any clubs in Corpus like their is in Austin?

Best way to move plate corals that attached to live rock, and anemones? ( Just place them in a bucket with a closed lid is what I was thinking.)

I'm sure I will come up with more soon.

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If you can set up tanks when you arrive in Corpus, I would salvage as much water as possible and transport in 5 gallon buckets. Also locate a source in Corpus for conditioned water.

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+1 with 5 gallon buckets. You can but your rock/corals in seperate buckets so nothing gets crushed or damaged by having something stacked on it. Pickle buckets will work fine inspite of the smell they have and are ceap or free from BBQ places. Frositing buckets from bakeries are another possibility. Good Luck!

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Thanks Rob I'll look into MAAST, and see if I can pine the air bubblers.

Subsea I plan on taring down my tanks and than setting them back up the same day if possible.

Timfish that's a good idea I never thought of look at the pickle jars from BBQ places.

Thanks for all the in put. It's great. Now when I go down their I will have to find a place the has Conditioned water.

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When we moved from DFW to ATX we bagged up all corals separately (rubbermaid containers work great and are super cheap at the Dollar Store), threw away all the sand, put live rock and fish in 5-gallon buckets (LR in one set of buckets, all fish in another bucket), and preserved as much water as possible in the buckets. We didn't feel a need to use air pumps/airstones for the drive - leave room in the buckets for oxygen exchange at the waterline as there will be some sloshing as you drive, and that should be sufficient unless you plan to stop overnight.

Once we got there, we unpacked corals and fish into a big Rubbermaid tub and added circulation via power heads to maintain oxygenation. (LR is fine overnight in buckets.) By the time we unpacked it all it was early morning (2 or 3 am) so the next day we got new sand, extra water, and set the tanks back up. We didn't lose anything, fish or coral. At the time we had a 20 and a Biocube 14 so it was very similar to the amount and type of stuff you're dealing with.

I think it will be really hard to preserve hard corals attached to LR. Personally I would remove as much as possible to avoid it getting pulverized in the bucket.

Many people prefer to rinse sand and reuse it but given how small your tanks are and how little sand you need, I wouldn't bother. The process of taking stuff out and moving the tank will kick up all the nastiness in your sand so you definitely have to either rinse or replace. You will need extra water on both ends (packing and setting back up). There are a couple of good LFSs (Gulf Coast Reef & Aquaculture, Aquarium Masters, one or two others I can't remember) in Corpus so you should be fine to get water down there. Good luck!

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Thank you etannert I will have to look into the LFS tht you mentioned and see which one is the closest to the campus.

I'll post some of the corals that I have that are on the live rock, all the live rock I have are really big pices of rock, so I don't think that they will move to much in the 5g buckets that I just got.

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Good luck on the move and school. I have been by the campus but never toured it. Just past the campus and out to the west next to the Corpus Municipal power plant is Texas A & M Maraculture Lab. I visited that lab and found the tour to be very interesting. It was at this lab that I meant my shrimp farmer scientist friend.

If you are there during the fall/winter, I am interested in types of seaweed to wash up on the coast. I spoke with a collector of macroalgae below Tampa Bay and further down into the Florida Keys. I am primarily interested in Gracilaria Tikavihae.


This is invading Indian River Lagoon 200 miles north in Ft Pierce, Florida

What is your major interest in going to college?



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Yea I've been their once in the past 2 months and mainly just to see what the people and places around town are like, it's interesting.

Yea I'll look into Tropical fish Haven, I'll be working at the Petco their on Staples St.

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  • 5 months later...

Well I moved to corpus, finished up my first semester of classes!

I now have running 30gallon half circle and my 15 gallon tall.

The 15 gallon has corals and two black clowns

The 30 gallon has two yellow prawn goby (pair), lawn mower blenny, and a pair of snowflakes.

Both tanks have corals.

I have also started up a reef club here in corpus called www.corpusreefclub.webs.com

If any one would like to join and add some input and help gather a flowing on the site it would be appreciated.

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Congrats on school and a successful move! Like Sifuentes, I grew up in CC. Nothing like Austin as he said. However they have a good live music scene there too. My brother is just getting his feet wet with aquariums. He works for oil spill control so he's constantly way out in the gulf. He's actually just recently sunk about 200lbs of dry rock about 30 miles out in the gulf. Looking forward to seeing what develops! Have you given any though to starting a native tank?

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