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algae bloom

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I have a 55gal fresh and I did a 50% water change a few days ago because of algae bloom and it came back with in a day. What to do my fish are freaking out and I need help if someone could help me or show me what to do I would be thankful greatly

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I've heard of people doing it, but I don't think it has the same effect unless you have a very large system. Same reason why DSB's aren't very popular in FW. There are not a lot of de-nitrating bacteria in a FW tank which is why water changes are absolutely essential. There are also denitrating filters and media that support anaerobic breakdown of nitrate but water changes are so much easier and cheaper that most people don't go down those paths.

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I have a 55gal fresh and I did a 50% water change a few days ago because of algae bloom and it came back with in a day. What to do my fish are freaking out and I need help if someone could help me or show me what to do I would be thankful greatly

I would think that after a 50% water change, fish would freak out from that by itself. What was the source of your changout water. I am not a big fan of "dilution is the solution to pollution". Deep sand beds and Jaubert plenumns do work in freshwater. However, there are more easy options with plants absorbing the nutriants used by nuisance algae. It is all about balance. Not knowing much about your set-up, I will say the nuisance algae is not likely to cause damage to fish. However, abrupt changes in chemistry can and will kill fish. Before doing major changes, understand why and what are you doing. If you want advice, then give more information to allow some diagnostics.


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Without knowing what kind if algae it is, it's tough to know how to combat it. In general, lower lighting, shorter photoperiod, reduced feeding and increased co2 will help, unless it is green spot algae or black brush algae, which need a bit of a different approach. Some algae is easier to cure than others. None of them are really harmful to fish, most will kill plants if they cake on too much. I battled diatoms and green spot algae on two of my fresh tanks for years before I figured out the trick.

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I have a 55gal fresh and I did a 50% water change a few days ago because of algae bloom and it came back with in a day. What to do my fish are freaking out and I need help if someone could help me or show me what to do I would be thankful greatly

I'm guessing since the water change is the only thing you said you did and it temporarily resolved the problem that you are seeing green water? If so the algae is basicly doubling every 24 hours and water changes will never give more than very short term results. Between using chemicals or enzymes and a UV sterilizer I would use a UV sterilizer but it is a more expensive option. You could also run a diatom filter but it also is just a short term remedy. I don't know what you want your tank to look like but long term I would get decent lighting if you don't already have it and plants

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