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Purple up?


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Purple Up is not going to help any more than any other calcium supplement. Aragamight is the dry powder form that I use as calcium supplement and works very well remineralizing RO. I've been rereading some stuff and the June/July 2005 issue of "Coral" had an interview with Richard Perrin owner of Tropicorum (coral farm started in '94) in which he said they discontinued the use of kalkwasser and calcium reactors in favor of CaribSea's Aragamight. Like Robb said the important thing is to monitor your calcium.

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References "normal" sea water parameters. Keep you tank in these ranges, via regular/semiregular water changes, and you should be fine. If you have lots of stony corals(SPS) or clams, your Ca requirements will be on the high end.

Coralline algae will show up if you have NSW values and sufficient light. Eventually, you will come to love coralline on your rock but not so much on your tank walls. Just like the rest of us.

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Hmm. I agree and dissagree. I had my 40g up for months and no coraline showed up. Through some horse trading I ended up with a bottle of PU. Dosed it as recommended and halfway through the bottle my rock had purple patched showing up all over. I know there is no coraline in the bottle and that even a snail with some coraline will spread the spores in your tank but I think the increased CA and other stuff thats in it just helps speed up the process. By all means it wont "create" coraline but it does shrink the time clock down.

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Waste of money. i used a bottle long ago and it did nothing. keep ur calcium up! i suggest tropic marin bio calcium and lots of light. ull have it in no time and wish ya didnt lol

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