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Hello from S.Austin


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Thank you for having me About my tank wow ok you ask for it It is a 75 gallon tank with some other tank under it with some tall thingy in it. Oh ya I almost forgot I do have some live rock about 60 pds That I just found out it maybe dead or on the way to die. I really have no idea what am doing I just put what ever the pet store allows me to have at this point

Yay for me

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You have placed a lot of trust in the pet store that helped you to set up your tank. Did they suggest anything to read or study? Do you have any kind of maintenance contract for maintaining this 75G tank? Do you want to know about how this thing works? If so, there are knowledgeable people at this site that can help you. However, you will need to learn a little about termiology. The "tall thingy" in the bottom tank is more than likely a protein skimmer or foam fractionator. It is a mechanical method to remove nutriants from the water. It relies on surface tension of the bubble of air attracting molecules of nutriants, thus "Protein Skimmer". I hope that you have a method of taking pictures to assist those of us that are so qualified. Are as a manager once related to me, "Help me help you".


PS Welcome to the addiction. Hang on for the ride of your life.

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Definitely don't be afraid questions! I really like Delbeek and Sprung's "The Reef Aquarium" series and am always reccommending people get Vol. III and read ch. 4-8. The relationship between pH, Alk and Calcium is very important to understand in marine aquariums and a excellent expert to read is Randy Holmes-Farley, he has articles on several different websites. Welcome to the addiction!

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