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Don't ya hate when...


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...a nice little "reef safe"fish starts munching on corals? In my case I have seen my fox face nibbling on one of my chalices these past few days. At first I didn't see any damage, but today I saw little nibble marks >:( for now I think I'm gonna leave everything alone and hope he's just being curious, hopefully he will get over it. We used to have a butterflyfish that would bother my toadstool alot but after a week or 2 he never touched it again.

Figures it would be my luck that a "reef safe" fish would bother my corals while my reputed coral munching fish would ignore them...lol

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Ouch! Dang.....i have sps frags, and some leathers, some hydnophora, a favia, pectinia and the chalices......soo far I've only seen him bothering the one biggest chalice. I feed him alot too.....I'm gonna have to think about this. He's one of my faves, and my bannerfish seems to like him too, they swim along side each other most of the time :(

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I had a metallic foxface that was a perfect spicemen, had it for at least a year before it started eating acans. It was one of my favorites so like you I waited to see if it would stop....and it didn't. By the time I was able to get it out it ate lots of corals and towards the end I started hating it making it easy to get rid of. I hope your will stop but I wouldn't bet on it, I'll never try another foxface even though I would like to have one. thumbsdown.gif

I saw my flame angel for the first time picking on a brain coral today....ugghhhhhh I feel your pain. Good luck!

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My wife had to have a little yellow clown goby devil that had a taste for everything except zoas. Acans, plates, any lps and really loved sps. I knew they have natural tendencies to perch in Acros, but was not expecting his taste for everything else. I was able to capture him yesterday as a matter of fact by removing a whole Acro colony he had taken residence in. He's enjoying his new home at Aquatek I am sure.

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So far I've had very good luck with dwarf angels (knockon wood). A friend of mine has a big Sailfin Tang (Z. desjardini) that decided it liked anthelia after several years of cohabitating. I kinda suspect some of the reputation different species have is based on juveniles/subadults and now that more and more people are keeping fish longer and longer some of us are finding the appetites of adults may "adjust" much to our dismay.

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I've always thought that anthias needed a huge tank with very peaceful or no other tank mates? At least that's what I've gathered from my brief google searches...they are gorgeous fish!

Also whatever I get to replace this fish will have to be fiesty enough to live with my damsels. They aren't too bad but they harass new fish at first that are of similar size to them lol. Might have to jump on the tang bandwagon, I've never owned one before :o

Timfish, I've read alot of stuff about the dwarf angels munching on corals! I have had a coral beauty for some months now that so far has behaved itself very well, knock on wood :P I'd kill to have one of the larger angels, but they will outgrow my tank and eat everything up lol.

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What size tank? If you have room for a tang you have room for anthias.

You actually want to keep a small school of anthias and they don't need to be in a huge tank, but a mature tank is helpful since it will feed the anthais in between your feedings. You would need to feed twice a day for them but you don't have to feed a lot when you do. Since they school I'm not sure if your damsel will mess with them or not, your damsels would need to take on more than one at a time. An aggressive tank means they will school, big fish make them school too. If a tank is too peaceful then they won't.

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I have had three different Drawf Angels in my 75G tank. The Coral Beauty has been in the tank for two years. I got #2 and #3 a year later withinn a week of each other. The Yellow Angel was larger than the Coral Beauty without the more agressive behavior. The Coral Beauty could not intimidate the Yellow Angel, it was during this first week of changing role playing that I added the Flame Angel.

The Flame Angel died two months ago. I did not find any problem before or after, it was just gone. The Yellow Angel is the one fish that got taught a lesson by my clam,

The Drawf angels, as a group, tend to munch. Because I have so many softies and decorative macros, no one thing suffers. I choose the Angels over the Tangs because of the amount of macros. With respect to the Angels eating macro, I add a big clump of Caulerpa every other day or so. I have tried keeping some of the Feather Caulerpa in this tank, as I find it quite attractive with color and texture. The Angels also find it attractive as they voraciously eat it. I have need for a Foxface Rabbit Fish in my seaweed growout tank. The bright colors of the Foxface would be welcome particularly if he grazes on micro algae.


Ughh....just caught the fox face picking on the chalice next to his other one....guess he will have to go sad.png I'll have to find another fish that hopefully won't pick on my stuff, but have no idea what I would really enjoy having.

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Dave, if you are into decorative seaweed, maybe we can trade some items for the Flame Angel which you have. I lost my Flame Angel 2 months ago and would like to group it with my Coral Beauty and Yellow Angel. I also have numerous softies:Waving Hand Anthenia (blue and green tips), Capnella (two kinds). If all else fails I have some flat green bucks that are universal tender.


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this tank is a 125, as far as I know I should be able to fit one of the smaller tangs in there, although I LOVE the naso tangs!

Subsea if you are seriously wanting a fox face for your seaweed tank let me know before I take him to a lfs to trade in. I can let you know when I'm able to catch him lol. I must warn you, he loves to chow down on his algae sheets, he easily eats half a sheet a day if I give it to him, along with frozen and pellets.

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If the Fox Face grazes on micro algae, then I am serious. He will have more macro than he can handle as I am producing 10 pounds a week. I would only hope that he would nibble on the micro algae. If you want to trade stuff, then come out and see what you want. I have pictures of my display tank on the thread "Natural Nitrate Reduction". If the trip is to far, then give me a call and we can come to an agreement and I could bring it to the meet on Saturday.


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Dave, if you are into decorative seaweed, maybe we can trade some items for the Flame Angel which you have. I lost my Flame Angel 2 months ago and would like to group it with my Coral Beauty and Yellow Angel. I also have numerous softies:Waving Hand Anthenia (blue and green tips), Capnella (two kinds). If all else fails I have some flat green bucks that are universal tender.


Patrick if you are interested in the angel it will be for sale soon, $50. I'm not in a huge hurry, if you want dibs on it just let me know. It may take me a while to catch it, the last one I had was tuff to get in to the trap.

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Dave, if you are into decorative seaweed, maybe we can trade some items for the Flame Angel which you have. I lost my Flame Angel 2 months ago and would like to group it with my Coral Beauty and Yellow Angel. I also have numerous softies:Waving Hand Anthenia (blue and green tips), Capnella (two kinds). If all else fails I have some flat green bucks that are universal tender.


Patrick if you are interested in the angel it will be for sale soon, $50. I'm not in a huge hurry, if you want dibs on it just let me know. It may take me a while to catch it, the last one I had was tuff to get in to the trap.

Dave, I am not in a rush either. $50 sounds fair to me. He needs to be big enough and/or brass enough to fend off the agression of the Coral Beauty. Since the Yellow Angel has been in that tank, Coral Beauty has calmed down a lot.


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