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Drilled returns!

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is that plywood on top? And if so, I'm curious why. Never seen it drilled that way.

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What he said, purely there to guide the drill

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Passed the second leak test. Led me to the piping for the chiller. Being that I moved the sump to the floor I lost about 1.5" from where the pump used to sit, so it looks like there was some stress on the piping from the weight of the pump which caused a leak.

Took the opportunity to clean up some silicone excess and re seal a few spots in the baffles.

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Those of you who I've talked to in person know that my SPS bin has been growing Hair Algae like crazy! Combination of a brand new bin, brand new egg crate, and old t5 bulbs.

Well decided to get it all cleaned up today. Put the racks in my tank since it was the only thing big enough to fit them, and rinsed them and soaked them in sodium precarbonate solution, basically peroxide.

Rinsed them off after soaking for about an hour and like new!

Check out the water after soaking!


Frags are nice and clean again!


I now know if I ever have a dirty Frag, put it in the fish bin for a few minutes and they'll take care of it! I put a few of the algae ridden ones in the center of the fish bin and when I pulled them back out to put back in the SPS tub, they were

Fresh white plugs again!

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All I can guess is the fish being cramped in that 110 g bin for too long.... Waiting on the **** stand...

Well no more expensive fish for me for a while.... Lost the Black Tang and the Achilles in the last 4 Months... +]^{>~>^*]%##_<!

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Back to the build.... So I've had an EB8 that I've never really used with me current setup because of how my equipment was setup. I'm going to incorporate it for the equipment on the right side while the apex hub and whatnot is still on the left.

One problem I have is there's no electrical outlet directly behind the tank so I've always had wires showing.

Here's where the outlets are:


Can I plug a good power strip in the outlet to the right (which will be behind the fish cabinet) and its plug the 2 eb8s and 2 dj strips to it rather than splitting them between the outlets on each side? Is that too much for one strip/outlet?

My lights are plugged into the kitchen breaker so they are not a factor.

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Death toll over the last few days....

Christmas Wrasse

Black Tang

Girlfriend came home to these 2 dead yesterday:

Diamond Goby

Orange Shoulder Tang

I came home to these today:

Chocolate Tang

Blonde Naso Tang

Dussumieri Tang

Kole Tang

White Tail Bristletooth Tang

Flame Angel

7 Lyretail Anthias

Some of the Anthias were pretty decomposed which leads me to think they happened yesterday also which fouled up the fish bin and led to the others I think.

All fish are in QT with anti fungal and bacterial

Hippo Tang (looks really bad)

Sohal Tang (looks really bad)

Sailfin Tang (looks pretty Bad)

Magnificent Foxface (looks rough but active)

Yellow Tang (looks fine)

Purple Tang (looks fine)

Clowns (look fine)

Yellow back wrasse (looks fine)

Cleaner wrasse (looks fine)

We'll see how we look in the morning...

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Not Qt'ing the fish i put in the coral bin because of all the algae is what I'm going to assume. But they were added a few weeks ago... So I'm not sure how that would have culminated to this...

The other thing I'd think is that when the initial fish died... I didn't know and it was just decaying in the fish bin.. Thus causing an ammonia and Nitrate spike which caused a few of the weaker fish to die under the rock work, thus raising ammonia and nitrates further.... And so on.

I'm not sure... These things always suck...

This mornings findings:

Addition to Death Toll:

Sohal Tang

Tomini Tang

Hippo is Active but looks horrible!

Magnificent is Alive but looks horrible

Wrasse is lethargic but might be from sleeping

Purple, yellow, and sailfin seem fine

Clowns seem fine

Cleaner wrasse seems fine.

We'll see when i get home from work.

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