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Critters Starter Kit


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Start your tank out right or re-establish with critters from my tanks for $25.

Spagetti Worms - Qty 5

Baby Bristleworms (.5 to 1") - Qty 5

or Large worms (2+") - Qty 2

Mini Brittle Stars - Qty 5

Asterina Stars - Qty 5

Amphipods - Qty 10

I wish this had been available locally when I started my tanks.

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Robb, I have not broken out the individual types as this was intended to be a package deal. But if someone didn't want the whole kit and wanted 1 individual type, I would do that for $10.

Jestep, Without wanting to deplete my own stock, I probably have enough to do 3 or 4 kits. 1 is already spoken for, so there are still a few left.

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OK, I have quite a list of people interested in Critter Kits, so I am going fill those that have responded first and then see what my populations are like before taking any more orders. If you have PM'd me or stated above that you want 1 or 2, you are included and I will contact you in the next day or so to start lining up when you can come over and pick it/them up. Thanks everyone for the interest.

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Why do you want to get rid of them? They add biodiversity to your tank and don't harm anything... Besides, what are you going to feed the Harlequin when they are gone? You can't have that many Asterinas to keep him going for too long in a 75g, maybe a month. Don't get me wrong, Harlequins are super cool, I would just rather have the biodiversity in my tank... but then again I run a more natural setup and am skimmerless. I have about 5 in my 180g that are the size of a dime and a nickel, not to mention the countless others of smaller sizes.

Edited by Woods
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Maybe I got it wrong but I always thought they were bad. I'm not trying to kill your sales but I think people need to research what they are putting in their tank before they pull the trigger.


Class: Asteroidea

Order: Spinulosida

Asterina starfish, or more commonly known as Fiji starfish are generally dime sized or smaller with a large body, irregular arm length, and an irregular number of arms. They tend to hide among corals and in the crevices of the live rock during the day and can sometimes be seen clinging to the corners of the tank. This type of starfish has been shown to eat coralline algae and some corals; specifically acropora, xenia, green star polyps, zoanthids, and several types of soft leather corals. These starfish divide across the main body with two or three legs of varying lengths and multiply rapidly. Remove these starfish if they start to bother your corals.

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Why do you want to get rid of them? They add biodiversity to your tank and don't harm anything... Besides, what are you going to feed the Harlequin when they are gone? You can't have that many Asterinas to keep him going for too long in a 75g, maybe a month. Don't get me wrong, Harlequins are super cool, I would just rather have the biodiversity in my tank... but then again I run a more natural setup and am skimmerless. I have about 5 in my 180g that are the size of a dime and a nickel, not to mention the countless others of smaller sizes.

I agree they are probably beneficial in moderation. I bought some rock from a guy on here that was shutting down his tank. The population was totally out of control. They had stripped almost all of the coraline algae off the rocks. You could see spots all over where they had munched it. I bought a harlequin and it took him 3 months to clean them off of 50 pounds of rock.
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Why do you want to get rid of them? They add biodiversity to your tank and don't harm anything... Besides, what are you going to feed the Harlequin when they are gone? You can't have that many Asterinas to keep him going for too long in a 75g, maybe a month. Don't get me wrong, Harlequins are super cool, I would just rather have the biodiversity in my tank... but then again I run a more natural setup and am skimmerless. I have about 5 in my 180g that are the size of a dime and a nickel, not to mention the countless others of smaller sizes.

I agree they are probably beneficial in moderation. I bought some rock from a guy on here that was shutting down his tank. The population was totally out of control. They had stripped almost all of the coraline algae off the rocks. You could see spots all over where they had munched it. I bought a harlequin and it took him 3 months to clean them off of 50 pounds of rock.

You could say the same thing about urchins and add that they bulldoze down rocks and stuff. I could say the same thing about some ones predator fish. It is relative to what somebody wants to do. When someone wants to go natural, it does not mean that they are simpletons. It means they choose more natural. I like to be informed. However, I hear a lot of fear mogoling.


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