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live rock question


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So i have one of my three peices of live rock that have a few spots of bubble algae. what the best plan of action before i go in there and make it worse because i failed to plan? i also have had some purple twig looking growth on that same peice of live rock. what is it? and what do you recomend i do? take it out and scub it down?

Just realized i spelled question wrong in the title!


Edited by JamesL
Fixed title :)
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Well! I've nevver evver messpelled anaything in any of my possts! The purple twiggy stuff is a pretty cool coraline algae if the rest of the tank inhabitants leave it alone. I've seen tanks over run with Valonia sp. bubble algae but I've never had what I'd consider a problem with it like I have had with Xenia, Green Star Polyp or Bubble Tip Anemonies. I'm sure you'll get feedback on other ways to deal with the Bubble algae but what I do is syphon it off when I do a water change.

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yeah i saw mr saltwater tv do a video on it! should i just take the rock out and get the algae off then, so that i dont risk popping them in my tank? and then rinsethe rock with fresh salt water?

Well! I've nevver evver messpelled anaything in any of my possts! The purple twiggy stuff is a pretty cool coraline algae if the rest of the tank inhabitants leave it alone. I've seen tanks over run with Valonia sp. bubble algae but I've never had what I'd consider a problem with it like I have had with Xenia, Green Star Polyp or Bubble Tip Anemonies. I'm sure you'll get feedback on other ways to deal with the Bubble algae but what I do is syphon it off when I do a water change.

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Some comes off easily and disappears forever.

However, I once had a coral with some bubble algae on the base. I took the coral out and scrapped the area down to the skeleton, dipped/rinsed it, and it still came back. I must have done that about six times before it finally disappeared permanently.

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Not sure I would do that. If I was going to do something that extreme I would just take the rock out and leave it in the sun for a couple weeks.

Doing that really does not fix what is causing the issue. What do your water parameters look like?

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I am a little confushed as to why you would buy live rock and then try to kill the stuff on it. Given time without grazing, you will find many neat things on it. However, if you want a sterile look, then light it up with a toarch. Personally, I thought buble algae loooked cool. I have had it get excessive one time. Emerald Crabs did the trick to control it.

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From your description the twiggy stuff could be Gelidium or a coraline algea. If it's brittle it's a coraline where Gelidium will be plyable. Either one I wouldn't worry about if it was my tank. The bubble algae if you want to pull out the rock and dip it be sure to get the holdfast or there's a good chance it will grow back like PBNJ said. In 23 years of saltwater I've never had what I'd consider a problem with Valonia in any of my tanks. The times I've seen tanks over run with it it's been a secondary problem triggered by some other catastrophe or just poor tank hygene. Right now the one tank I have some in it's only surviving where the urchins can't get to it and the Xenia isn't choking it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"gelidium" in the hobby doesnt really refer to a species or even the genus really, but to any branching creeping wiry red algae. (rather than a turf of creeping red algae). what will eat any particular "gelidium" will come down to the thickness of it usually, it isnt that they are inedible it is just that most cleaners dont have the cutting power to eat them. Larger turbos, urchins, emerald crabs and sea hares are likely to work, but it is a little hit or miss still.

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  • 3 weeks later...

after several days off research last month! i heard geliduim is almost unstoppable! and got hooked on a thread from last year on a different forum about fire blasting the gelidium. i thought no way ill do that! after no other good ways of eradication and a ton of research and my nerves settled i put a bic wind resistant lighter to the gelidium to barley singe it for a sec or two! and after a month of my hermits and emerald crab eating the dead twigs! i have 0 signs on gelidium and had no parameter swings in water AT ALL! this guy has been doing this for years on diffrent live rocks for years for all types of things (valonia, gelidium, aptisia) during research and SWEARS BY IT! so i tried it, cause i sure as heck wasn't letting it over run my tank! my rock is 100% purple and have had no areas of my rock that has even changed color! IM SOLD! I have pics to prove it if you guys wanna see

the purple twig looking stuff could be Gelidium


What are your water parameters and CUC?

Edited by MasonHoff
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