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New to Saltwater, almost setup...


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Another saltwater newbie here, and lots of questions. Got most of the stuff that I need and just a few more items to go before I fill the tank up for the first time!!!

Starting out with a 55 gallon, wih a 20 long sump.

75 # of dry rock, and 30 # of tropic eden reefflakes.

For now gonna start out as a fish only but hope to upgrade to corals later in the year. Want to go mixed reef with sps (hopefully some acros), and some lps.

No protein skimmer right now, but I am looking at the SWC skimmers.

So here are the questions that I hope y'all can help me with:

1. read a lot about salt mixes, and I want to start this off right. Any particular recommendations on salt mixes that aren't to expensive? Would like to use the TM bio actif, but it is so expensive and I have had a hard time finding it. Any thoughts on regular TM, Brightwell, IO, RC, or Red sea?

2. As for skimmers I have read good things about the SWC and was wondering which one to go with for a 55. The 120 or 160? anyone have experinece with these skimmers?

3. Will 75# of rock be enough? I was thinking of going with another 10# in the DT, and already have 10 # of rubble in the sump.

4. Lighting- I guess for acros lighting will be a concern. Will acros do okay under T5's or do they need MH? I would prefer T5 as they seem more affordable, but don't want to limit myself. I was looking at some of the 4 and 6 bulb models from Aqauticlife, sunlight supply and ATI, but with a 55 it kinda limits space.

Thanks for your help.


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1. Just about any salt mix will be fine, some more fine than others. I think there was a thread in the Reefkeeping forum about what everyone is using. Edit: link to thread: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/12940-what-salt-and-why/page__p__89350__hl__salt__fromsearch__1#entry89350

2. No comment specific to SWC but I would buy slightly larger than you think you need. Your total volume is 75g(based on tank sizes only), I'd get something rated for 100-120g.

3. Short answer, yes. You will probably find that as you acquire corals you will wind up getting some that are attached to rock which will move over to your tank thereby increasing your total weight.

4. Yes, SPS can thrive under T5. You just need to get an appropriate setup, either fixture or DIY.

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1. Here is a link that compares salt mixes.

2. I agree with Robb, try to get a skimmer slightly larger than your tank volume (this will include your sump).

3. Rock is one of those personal things, IMHO. Some like a lot some like a little. Just remember "more rock = less water" and "more weight".

4. I know folks here who have raised SPS successfully using T5's, I will let them answer this question.

And welcome to the addiction.

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Get an RO/DI unit. You don't want to use tap water and weekly trips to the fish store for RO/DI water will cost you more in gas in a year alone than paying for a unit.

Trust me, I wish I would of did that from the start. There's a new thread too on a guy setting up a cart for water changes so you don't have to lug around 5 gallon of water which you should look into.

I've seen a lot of MH lamps going for $120-$140 price range for 250w. Not sure on your needs but from everything I hear with the exception of the heat issues these are better and have a large selection of bulbs going for $50-$60

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Get an RO/DI unit. You don't want to use tap water and weekly trips to the fish store for RO/DI water will cost you more in gas in a year alone than paying for a unit.

Trust me, I wish I would of did that from the start. There's a new thread too on a guy setting up a cart for water changes so you don't have to lug around 5 gallon of water which you should look into.

I've seen a lot of MH lamps going for $120-$140 price range for 250w. Not sure on your needs but from everything I hear with the exception of the heat issues these are better and have a large selection of bulbs going for $50-$60

Yeah that is def good advice, just ordered an RO/DI from BRS, should be here soon, then it will be time to mix up some water and fill er up. Thanks for the heads up on the used MH, I will keep my eye out, but I think I am leaning towards T5. Just read a good post here about SPS and T5's:

http:// www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1935318&highlight=acropora+lighting

The cart idea is great as well thanks for that info.

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NP. This is the lamp I've had my eye on for $125 250w MH DE http://hellolights.com/lumenbright3demetalhalidereflector.aspx and 14k phoenix bulbs go for $54 on amazon.

You may also want to pick up a koralia or similar pump to move your water since they go for $35, unless you can nab a used one.

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