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Everything posted by Chrispar

  1. I like the scaping, Id add even a lil more rock but it looks great in the tank. where did it come from if you dont mind?
  2. and also check daves(prof) sponsor thread. he list all his services and some price info.
  3. talk to some of our sites sponsors;Shane at Fishy Business or prof at Epic reef. both are fully capable of turning your non drilled tank into a RR system. I plan on have my 30g drilled sometime soon.
  4. I can attest to that fully, except i still dont have an RO\DI yet.
  5. my suggestion for the slimer, start fragging and selling lol simple fixes are the bes. oh yeah Beautiful tank
  6. tank stand with tank on it once i get a free minute gonna gut my clip on fixture and start on the canopy
  7. Back in the day, i know people used to euthanize with vodka, i dont think i would put any in my tank voluntarily.
  8. Thanks Dave and Robin. was great talking to you both and seeing your awesome tanks. cant wait to see the growth in the 58 and the seahorse tank once its up and running.
  9. Chrispar

    want to borrow

    Magnesium test kit little low on funds from xmas shopping and I need to get this hyper magnesium treatment going. let me know if you got one TIA, Chris
  10. my bryopsis is outta control and im looking for ways to control. gonna try the phosphate pads then darkness then a tang if it comes to that.
  11. So the stand is finished for the most part so here are pics. Almost finished product Still need to paint inside of stand and my 10 gal sump yeah i know its huge:grin: 4 foot level for height comparison i didnt really plan ahead and left very little room underneath the tank so im stuck using a 10 gal for my sump . I know not the brightest move ever made but it will work for my 29.
  12. Im in the process of making my overflows, Im a very DIY person and im not at all scared of drilling glass, i also have several old 10 gallons to practice on. I dont have a return yet, im trying to figure all this out before i go and buy any pumps or bulkheads. I just need help figuring how many GPH to put through my sump and the size holes i need to drill, bulkhead types and size and what kind of return pump.
  13. so im getting ready to break my tank down and get it all ready to drill and plumb, the question is, how do I determine the proper size for my holes? Its a standard 29 tall. im planning on doing two holes for two small corner overflows running to about 15 gallons of sump\refugium. also, its about 4 feet from where im planning the holes on the display to the sump\fuge.
  14. Bump on the bubble coral
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