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Everything posted by mhart032

  1. I use the red sea coral pro myself, it mixes fast and i like the calcium i get from it. it pretty much always mixes the same levels. lots of people a few years ago had problems with it being inconstant depending on the bucket. I haven't seen any post in a wile mentioning it besides people that had the problem and haven't tried it since. I have used a couple different ones and like the red sea best. its very readily available at RCA too and its a good price compared to most the shipping costs most places charge.
  2. Man it looks great! makes me want to build one...
  3. mhart032

    coral sale

    Im interested in the tri colored acro do you have any pics? also the stag horn.
  4. I get them alot on the top of my rock work twards the surface. thats where they like to lay them at. i have seen a few baby nassarius snails pop out of the sand when i feed. but havent seen any other kind yet.
  5. I have a ARO 250w MH ballast from hello lights. the ballast doestn seem to be working any more. when its all hooked up i get nothing from it no buzz hum no lights nothing. the bulb is a little old maybe 8 months it was working till today or when i unhooked it. i went the t5 rout for a couple days and didnt like it. missed the shimmer from the lights. anyway if the bulb is bad will the ballast still fire? is their any way to trouble shoot this ballast? thanks Matt
  6. If you go you can see one of the most kick a$$ nanos you have ever seen.
  7. you can plug them into a power strip with the MH and turn it all on at the same time. but thats all i can think of without splicing the cords togeather.
  8. I have done alot of research on this subject. and hands down the ACIII is the best out, not to mention it can be run via iphone or ipod touch that option is worth its weight in gold. to beable to go on vacation and feed your fish or if the temp gets to high to control fans and lights with a simple app is fantastic. i will be back on the road soon and this is the first thing i will get, even if it was 600 bucks i would still get it. not to mention you can code your own f/w for it. sure you can get the RF and vpn into your home system and control everything but that means you have to always carry a PC with you. and at any givin time you cant just hit an app and look at your full setup. right now when i go away for a day or 2 i can turn on my webcam via my iphone and look at my tank but its going to be great to look at it and be able to control it too. just my .02 Matt
  9. Also, depending on what type of tank you have i know most nano cube type tanks have upgraded tops with MH built in.
  10. I run both MH and actinics and 6700ks. i recently switched to 10 t5s to see if their is a difference b/t them. normally i run 1 250w MH 4 actinics 2 Giesemann Pure actinics/2 Giesemann actinic +/2 GLO 6700k midday bulbs, with a phoenix 14k. i like the Giesemann bulbs better than anything else. as far as the white or midday type light the GLO 6700k is a very white bulb for a 6700k bulb and i like that the Giesemann 10k/6700k bulbs are very yellow and ugly. with the 10 t-5 setup im running all the above plus 2 more actinics, minus the MH. i really like the look of the tank with the actinics i like the blue look. i do miss the shimmer from the MH bulbs. if i had a 29g nano i would still run a 150-250w MH pendent but it really depends on what you have in your tank. if you have sps and lps i would run a pendent open top with a fan blowing over the top of the tank for cooling. the MH can raise the tank temp some but running it topless will help drastically with that i know Zarathrustra2 had a very nice 29g nano and ran the MH lights on it i believe he had a 150w (i may be wrong on the size) pendent over than setup it was a very nice tank.
  11. Ryans ATX-Milli is fantastic looking i picked up a colony today and it looks like it did in his tank good extension already i just put it in an hr ago. just a very health colony.
  12. lol, nope! i like it too much to sell it..
  13. Thanks.. I got a good deal on a Nikon d50 payed 200 for it it maybe had 500 photos taken with it. the stock lens had never even been off, i even got to take the lens lock screw out. i used a nikkor 35-70mm lens and a nikkor h 28mm.
  14. thanks, just some 3 zoas frags, the bubble and the torch. everything else is from members here.
  15. I know their not the best, im still practicing and learning how to use this this camera. Criticism is welcome, it will help me learn.
  16. You can do a 20% water change and it should help alot. ryan i stall want a couple frags of the milli and i mite be interested in the sarmentosa.
  17. just wait a couple weeks when you do a water change. but make sure its not to high or you may kill everything else. just a heads up it also killed 90% of my sps too
  18. Robert H was looking for some maxi jets he didnt care what size. you may pm him.
  19. Still have the reflector and the MH?
  20. High ammonia will kill it. and heat or cold will kill it. i had a really nice piece and when i had my ammonia spike it killed it. everything else was good but the xenia. I say cold cause i also had another piece in a bucket over night and it got cooled and didnt make it..
  21. i think so too, i know thats what i did, it was in the sand. You see so many tanks where the candy canes are like that meaning buried in the sand. thats probably why i thought that.
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