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Everything posted by muddybluewater

  1. Yes, that is a big change in SG. I would agree that temperature also had a big part in it. I would leave it alone now. Any damage has been done. That large of a change should have been done over several days.
  2. What did they look like? Most snails are harmless. What kind of coral did you put into your tank?
  3. That is great. If for some reason mine come back I will be doseing the display also but still no sign so far. Hope everything works out for you Mike
  4. You still have cash left? I thought you went to John G's today.
  5. Try to keep the swings under 3 deg. If you can stay under 84deg you will be fine. Is your canopy closed?
  6. Welcome, you have found a great place and people.
  7. Welcome. We have some great stores and people to help with anything. Feel free to ask as many questions as you can. It is the only way to learn with out spending a fortune.
  8. I run a aqua logic drop in chiller. The main reason for it is evaporation. I was getting 4-5 gallons a day with out it and only 2 with. I still run a fan on the tank and one on the sump. The fans also help with gas exchange so they will always be there.
  9. Mike, how is the treatment going. They should all be dead after 1-2 hours. The good thing is that there are no eggs so once they are gon they are gone. That being said, I would still dose again in 5 days.
  10. Hqi or double ended Use a different fixture for different wattage bulbs SE or single ended use the same base size for many of the bulbs ( 175-400w that I know for sure)
  11. Try to keep you temp, PH and Kh as stable as possible. If they are happy they will be open and full during the day.
  12. You just have to be sure the glass is not tempered but should not be a problem if it is not
  13. I would like to hear also I have been thinking about a Ca reactor also. I dose about 100 ml daily of 2 part
  14. I also have heard of people having problems with HOB over flows, but that being said I ran one for 14 years with out a single incident.
  15. Everything has been back in the main tank for a couple days and not a sign of bugs. I will give it a couple of weeks before I give it the all clear. Lesson learned.
  16. If you are going to keep it alive then you will have to treat it as if it was in the tank. Keep circulation and heat on it. You will have to do water changes. You will not have to use a light but there will not be any coraline on it when it goes in to the new tank. This is not a problem though it will grow back. Unfortunately there is no easy way to keep live rock live with out some effort.
  17. Yes you can skip a day most fish will find something to eat in your tank, algae or pods.
  18. Thanks again guys. Can I just set you up on a direct deposit so I don't have to keep giving you cash every couple of weeks. Maybe just a once a month payment.
  19. After you buy a ro/di unit you will wonder why it took you so long. Life is so much easier. They pay for them selves in just a couple months
  20. You will have to get the bulk product from Bulk Reef Supply online. There seems to be someone ordering from them every month.
  21. I am out running around most of the day and can meet up with you when ever. I will put in my truck.
  22. Why spend $8 every 2 days? If you buy it in bulk you are going to save a ton of money. Enough magnesium to make a full gallon is $10 at BRS. After you raise your Mag to the correct levels a gallon should last you about 2 months. If you need to dose strontium buy a bottle of that You should not need to add it very often. Once or twice between water changes. I use Reef Crystals( by Instant Ocean) I know their a lot of people who use the Red Sea Pro. There are some higher end salts available but I am happy with RC.
  23. How much does the Seachem cost and how large are the bottles? With regular water changes you should not have worry about stronium or boron if you are using a good salt. I add 100ml ea of Ca and Kh daily and about 200ml of mag a week. The last order I made was17-20gallons for $56.
  24. Epsom salt is cheaper (magnesium sulfate). I used it for a while when i was out of my BRS kits with no problems
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