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Everything posted by mFrame

  1. Some cool looking unique things. Post it if you do a group buy.
  2. My rose split about 4 days ago. The mother was originally about 12" in diameter. The clone is about 4-5" extended. It is currently still hiding under the rock, so I'll post a pic of it as soon as it comes out fully. Pre-split photo has the krypto candy canes at left. Post split the clone is shown with clown and eggs (orange dots) and momma shown post-split is the pic with just a fish tail on the right. The clone is the one for sale Base and mouth are purplish, the tips get incredibly bright. Pic with the candy canes is most indicative of color, my MH lights were glaring in the other photos.
  3. I'll take the clowns. Have pics? PM'ing info.
  4. mFrame

    Reef Rebuild

    I'd talk to Prof, he has a very large (110g?) container that he often lends out to people.
  5. Speaking from experience, you really don't want to frag it especially if you have a healthy one. The skeleton's are very brittle and if you cut it odds are that you will leave a sharp edge somewhere on the skeleton. Once the flesh hits that sharp edge damage will ensue and you'll watch the fairly quick decay of your elegance. Trust me, I lost a $180 dollar one, though I didn't try to frag it until it was already headed downhill and seemed to be the only recourse to try and save at least part of it. I'd either find it a new home or clear enough out of your existing tank to make adequate room for it.
  6. Will be attending my dad's retirement party, but y'all have a blast!
  7. I'm in for some things, will PM details.
  8. I'm sure I'd be in for something...
  9. I'm in for about $60, been looking for one of these for a while: Precision Marine ST-1 Skimmer Stand - 9.5 inch x 5.5 inch
  10. I have the same setup as dpettit, an ACIII with two DC8s and am using a wireless bridge to connect to my network. I also have it where I can view it from my phoen (thanks Dave, still working on edits to your manual)! Awesome device!
  11. mFrame

    Fish for sale

    Added purple tang to my list of fish, details at the top...
  12. mFrame

    Fish for sale

    I got him from Leroy, so if that's the flow of ownership he's yours. Either way he's yours if you want him.
  13. any chance that your water change prompted something to spawn? That happened to me after a water change...
  14. I'm interested in several items if you choose to part out: clowns firefish candy cane hammer palau
  15. mFrame

    Fish for sale

    I've got two flame hawks, but they're such a pair that I can't break them up. They're suspect #2 on the coral nipping though, as I've seen one of them with a whole blue legged hermit in his mouth. I'm really hoping it's the coral beauty, otherwise you may get your wish....
  16. I've got em, give me a shout.
  17. mFrame

    Fish for sale

    *** EDITED, NOW WITH PRICES *** So my 90g is having some issues and I've got some fish that are nipping corals, some fish that I just don't like in the mix, and some fish looking for a nice place to retire. Details: (2) PJ cardinals - $20 for both - large and medium, have been together a while but I don't think are mated. Healthy and non-aggressive sold (2) bluegreen chromis - $5 for both - 2-3" each, I have five and would prefer to sell the larger two. Healthy and happy, but five is just too many for my tank.sold (2) Mated Clarkii Clowns (sold as pair only) - $80 for pair - large, 4" or so and currently laying eggs like clockwork. They live in my RBTA and the previous owner had them in a large carpet nem. No, my RBTA does not come with them but you should have an anemone home of at least 6" to provide them enough room. Otherwise they'll beat a smaller nem to death loving on it. Having a Nem is also going to greatly increase your chances of having them continue to spawn. (1) Large lawnmower blenny - $15 - 5" - very cool guy, great at eating hair algae, but very large. He does eat food as his belly attests, but he'd really like larger than a 90g tank with an algae source. NEWLY ADDED - $80 - very large (5-6") super healthy purple tang. Great fish with tons of personality, but I saw him grab my large feather duster and just shake it all to heck. He'd love a larger tank to play with some other tangs. (will trade for a smaller, healthy purple tang) I have a fish trap and will be catching these guys as requested, but it could take a few days to catch specific fish. Please PM me if interested and we can discuss trades. I'm not currently listing prices as I'm open to offers or trades. I would like: Male target mandarin or female green mandarin Fire shrimp
  18. I inherited a nearly completely bleached out green bubble tip. I put it in my 90g with my RBTA and another GBTA and now 3 mos later it has regained it's color fully and is happy. They can regain their color and Zooxanthella, so just keep a close eye on them and spot feed them if possible (mysis or small pieces of silverside). Some people say they don't have to eat, but I find that especially if they've lost color that providing an alternate source of nourishment seems to help. If you see either start to lose its guts out of the mouth then you should yank them immediately before they foul the tank. However, make sure that it's guts and not just waste, as feeding solid food will cause them to poop a lot. If you have any doubt which it is, wait a bit. Pooping is usually done within 30 minutes, entrails will hang out of an open mouth and stretch out further and further without retracting.
  19. That's awesome! I haven't been able to catch any of mine for the last 3 months because I keep missing them. Fantastic idea! How much would you estimate cost on parts? I don't have one of the micron filters.
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