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Everything posted by Derry

  1. I'm trying to set up a calcium reactor, and I'm looking for some advice. I've got a 5-lb CO2 tank hooked up to a solenoid with a needle valve. I'll spend a few minutes dialing the needle valve in to deliver about 20 bubbles per minute. However, when I come back a couple hours later, the bubbles have stopped completely. The last time, I deliberately left it at about 40 bubbles per minute to see if it would slow down to 20. Well, it slowed down to zero again. Anybody have any ideas/suggestions?
  2. As in, all orders placed and money to you by X time on the 18th? Works fine for me.
  3. I'm in - still looking for that red spotted blenny.
  4. I completely rebuilt my closed loop last fall using spa-flex and unions. I glued it all up with the blue wet/dry PVC glue, and it worked great. I now swear by the stuff - the flexibility was a life-saver for me.
  5. Read up on the reviews - they were pretty mixed from the crowd over on seahorse.org.
  6. Derry

    Plasma LED

    My armchair analysis is that MH bulbs are going to become the aquarist's equivalent of the cassette tape within five years. This is really cool stuff.
  7. Ok, so here's what I've found: Home Depot - Nothing bigger than about 2". Lowes - The smallest in the variety pack is 3-1/2". Warehouse Pool Supply - There's an entire wall of o-rings of all sizes. Bring in what you need another of, and they likely have it. Austin Seal - Basically every o-ring known to man. Seriously. There's usually a $10 min (which is a problem when you need one $0.48 o-ring), but if you're nice to the lady behind the counter and pay cash, they'll often let you slide out of that $10 limit. Thanks to everyone who chimed in with ideas!
  8. Derry


    I'm in Cedar Park, and I'm usually running 225-250 from the tap.
  9. For anyone unfamiliar, Advanced Aquarist's Online Magazine is a monthly e-zine whose focus is the marine aquarium. It's got a far more scientific/scholarly bent to it than many of the other pubs I've seen, especially regarding equipment reviews and analysis. Anyway, they're on Facebook now, and their last several posts have been pretty cool, mostly news stories related to the oceans or sea life. Thought I'd share.
  10. Will either of the clowns host in an anemone?
  11. Anyone know where I can find a replacement o-ring for my PhosBan reactor. The o-ring went AWOL during my last cleaning effort on the reactor. I've already tried RCA and Aquatek - they both can order it, but don't have it in stock. Home Depot and Lowe's are next on my to-try list, but does anyone know for sure where I can find one? FWIW, it's 3" inner diameter.
  12. Derry

    No Vacancy

    That damsel looks like it's big enough to eat poodles...
  13. FWIW, I spent less than $15 at AirGas earlier this week to refill my 5-lb tank.
  14. I'm in - I need more GFO. I'm also willing to be the landing zone for any northern ARCers who want to be shipping buddies with me, otherwise I'll be making the drive to Mark's place. Again.
  15. Gotta buck Mark and side with Dave on this one. I had a hairy hitchhiker crab that size once - he took out three small fish and a fire shrimp before I finally caught him. There's a great crab id page over at Chuck's Addiction that might help you get a proper id on the guy.
  16. FWIW, that last, unknown coral looks just like my Pavona cactus.
  17. Adding a small dose of wet blanket realism to an otherwise positive conversation, I've got two beautiful onyx clowns that I bought more than a year ago, and they've never gone anywhere near my 10" green BTA. Sometimes the CB clowns just don't figure it out.
  18. Bart will join anyone for anything as long as he thinks he might get pet somewhere along the way!
  19. "The Polyp Rock has already been sold" That rock has been out there for a least a week, and it sells 30 mins after I tell you I want to buy it? Wow, talk about rotten luck... Look for your PayPal payment in the next 10-15 mins.
  20. Ok, here's what I've got: Colony Polyp Rock Zoanthus Combo (Diver's Den) - $69.99 Rose Stylophora Coral (Aquacultured) - $29.99 Orange Spotted Blenny - $34.99 PM me about your payment preference, plz. Thanks! Derry
  21. Derek, I'm in. Gimme an hour or so to get my act together. I'm assuming order today, ship tomorrow, arrive Tues?
  22. Derry

    need some help

    I've got a mini-jet 404 that you're welcome to if you can use it.
  23. My only semi-educated opinion is a BTA as well, but have you tried floating this on MAAST? There are a couple of hard-core anemone people over there who are great at ID'ing these guys.
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