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Everything posted by Kkiel02

  1. What kind of hermit is that in the first picture?
  2. Just a little while ago my hermit went after my girlfriends hermit. Yeah we picked out what hermits we wanted. Well at first I thought that my hermit was just changing shells so I wanted to see this happen. Well the hermit grabs a shell( didnt realize this shell had the hermit inside) and starts to put the holes back to back. Then it starts to bang them together and that is when I realized this isnt normal. Next thing I know there is a naked hermit on my live rock . I then realized what had happend. My girlfriend is gonna be pissed when she gets back since her hermit went around and picked up the ugliest shell in the whole tank. Now everything is ok though.
  3. Mine is the Reef octo110 but wasnt near that much $ it is rated up to 110 gallons hence the name. I dont have frags yet.... but I spent around $450 on tank and stand(no canopy yet), $100 on 2 koralia 4s, got old sand from a guy in San Antonio(just cleaned it up real good as it had some dieoff going on), Made my own sump for $20 approx. 20 gallon, and a $65 on the return pump. Also got my light from this site for $100. The rock is what gets you I paid $3.50 a pound for live rock but used 20 pounds base rock. There are alot of small stuff like heater, test kit, thermoter, etc.
  4. Gonna have someone try and make these for me! Where did you get the material? I would try but sewing isnt my thing. lol
  5. Most of the post I read is that a simple hang on filter will work but you will need to do freguent water changes since you cannot keep live rock in there. Also a sponge that could be used to get bacteria out of your dt could be put in the qt to help. A 10g might be too small for a blue hippo though. Remember ick is an invert so the treatment will most likely kill all other inverts in this tank. Just a reminder.
  6. My octopus is great but havent had much experience with other skimmers, It pulls out alot of junk, I empty it out every other day or if it fills up.
  7. LOL I kinda found that out today too. My scuba instructor recommended wet suits. I was thinking hmmmm 78 degrees isnt too cold. After sometime just sitting at the bottom of the pool the shivers start! Only another 1 hour and a half and I get to finally warm up. Lesson learned if the instructor suggest doing something do it!
  8. Ok well the aquarium is doing great! Added two snails and three hermits! Anyways I shot some new pics with a sd750 I got for my girlfriend back in august. Anyone else shoot with this and if so what settings do you use? I would like to get some real close pictures of the tube worms and hermits. Here is the newer setup with more live rock and the pc's!
  9. Thanks again, It really brightens up my aquarium. Kevin
  10. Kkiel02


    I will probably go check it out. Especially since it is soo close to where I live.
  11. Added some more live rock and probably get around 10 more pounds tom. My ammonia has dropped so now just waiting on the nitrites. So far I have seen some pods, tube worms and a small snail. My girlfriend probably thinks I am crazy just sitting there staring at rocks. I am getting some lights tom. so I will post some more pictures with more color hopefully! Kevin
  12. Is this still going on? With their discount it would make for a great deal if we could get free shipping.
  13. I was told that instead of topping off with freshwater just use saltwater until the salinity level is met. But i will let the experienced reefers add their advice. lol
  14. Anyone want to carpool from San Marcos up there? I will be going and possibly my girlfriend. Kevin
  15. Here it is: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7163957@N04/3249179515/ Other pictures can be found on my flickr site. It is a 65 gallon that will end up a reef tank in time. There is a acrylic 20ish gallon sump that takes up all the storage underneath. 2 koralia 4's, reef octopus skimmer, and a mag 5 return. The heater is a rena 150. The installation was rather easy minus the girlfriend mad that I took up most of her kitchen for awhile. To do: Lighting and then the waiting begins until the nitrogen cycle has run its course. Also I would like to thank all those who helped especially prof and beareef19 (from maast). Kevin
  16. Yes I recently stopped in there and the service was great!!!
  17. Update-Well I had a small set back with the tank but it should be in Fri. I hope anyways. I want with the octopus skimmer, etc. The only thing left to get is the plumbing and the return pump. But everything is kinda on hold until I can get my tank. I will take some pics and post them. I guess I should just start a blog. Again guys thanks for the advice! Kevin
  18. Welcome, I went through that/ those stages for about a year and just took the leap last week. Now Im just waiting for my tank to get here! So if I can do it Im sure you can too! lol
  19. If the sale doesnt go through I would like to get next in line.
  20. Ok will difinately check those out. Thanks for the ideas! I ordered my tank today but went with a 65 tub instead, should come in next week!
  21. Well today I decided on a 55 gallon with a built in overflow... Here is the plan that I am looking for any advice and tips. It is going to be a FOWLR for a while, corals may end up in here later on when I get the lighting/equipment to keep them. I am going with a 20g sump/refuge (much like this one... http://www.austinreefclub.com/index.php?showtopic=414 ) that will be put in the stand under the aquarium. The sump will contain the protein skimmer and 2 smaller heaters (I am looking for suggestions on both of these, but mainly on a "budget" protein skimmer as there are sooo many out there.) I dont want to compromise quality but do not want to overpay either. I was thinking of a rio 2100 for my return pump. As for my tank I will be using alot of base rock and seeding it with a couple decent pieces of live rock. Live sand will be used as substrate. I am thinking of two koralia 2's for now, adding more as/if needed. Well thanks is advance for any/all advice. I know I am probably forgetting some equipment but please let me know what you think of my plan. This is going to end up being a community reef tank with many pictures to come as this progresses. Wish me luck! Kevin
  22. At the critter shop here in san marcos they sell it for $4.50 but yeah animal wonders is $10+ Good to see there is some other people from san marcos here!
  23. Kkiel02


    Well I live in san marcos, still going to school I guess im a professional student. Been researching this for a lllllooooonnnnngggg(over a year now) time and Im finally going to take the plunge! I am looking forward to all the helpful advise and meetings that you offer. Well just wanted to say and am heading up to austin today to look for a nice aquarium! Wish me luck Kevin
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