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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. Did you buy your rock already? At 500 lbs you should do a group buy.. That would be one hell of a bulk discount.
  2. Petsmart is the cheapest place in town to buy sand IMO. That's going to be one killer setup!
  3. Here ya go man. http://www.heatsinkusa.com/categories/8.460%22/?price_min=139&price_max=173&sort=featured
  4. Hey everyone, after being out of the hobby for a year or so I have decided to build another tank. I have been working on this for the past 4 months and hope to have water sometime really soon! The tank and stand were both designed and built by myself. Tank specs: 24"x24"x16" 3 sided starfire glass 3/8" thickness Rimless External overflow 3 drains 2 returns 29 g sump 20 g refugium Here are some pics of the stand construction. I consider myself pretty lucky.. My girlfriend let me build the stand and tank in our kitchen Test fit. Drilling the glass for return lines. Covered the glass in paper and blue tape to prevent silicone from getting everywhere. This worked out well the first time. However, when I had to cut out the front panel and resealed I didn't cover everything and got silicone everywhere Nice clean lines End result. Ready for paint! Here's the Refugium I built. Passed the water test. Testing to see how things are going to fit in the sump. Still need to baffle the sump. Tank is now ready for plumbing. Getting so close!! I'm really excited.
  5. Looking to buy a used iphone. Mine is hardly functioning these days.. So if you have recently upgraded or have an older one laying around. Please feel free to pm me.
  6. Do they do repairs? I have already built my own diy fixture, but it doesn't work properly due to some connection issues and I just don't have the time to sit down and go from solder to solder.
  7. I just recently built my own tank and had to remove a panel because I didn't seal it correctly. It was a relatively simple process, it did however take a lot of time and patience to remove the existing silicone. If you have the time I would just replace the panel.
  8. I was really excited when I found out MACNA was coming to Dallas until I looked into registering.. $50-$100 for a day pass? I haven't been to any of their events in the past. Have they always been so pricey? I was really looking forward to taking some members of my family to the event and show them all the neat stuff our hobby has to offer. But not to spend potentially up to $400. No thanks.
  9. 4 days. I cut some off earlier and it seems to cut pretty easily. I'm going to do what you suggested and cut it all the way to the edge and try to reseal.I'll post a pic after I trim it up.
  10. thanks Jagged. I think I will try that. I was really surprised how fast the silicone set. I've heard a few things about silicone bonding to silicone. What are your thoughts?
  11. See thats the thing. I did put masking tape on the inside. I applied the silicone to the glass and from the inside. About 10 minutes after applying I pulled the tape on the sides and some came off great, but some not so easily. Then I tried to clean it up with my finger some and it just made my lines worse. Not to mention I left way too much silicone on.. I also should of done one panel at a time.
  12. I did put a lot and I didn't use my finger. I bought a spreading tool that I bought at Home Depot. The seals are solid and all the way through. That's why I was thinking I could just cut off the excess..
  13. I've already assembled the tank and applied the silicone a few days ago. The problem is that I think I used way too much silicone and I'm not happy with the lines left over. What would you guys do? I'm thinking about going in and trimming the silicone with an exacto knife. I used the RTV 108 series silicone and its a rimless tank 3/8" thickness. 24x24x16 In the first pic I was thinking of cutting it back all the way to the inside edge of the glass. 2nd pic from the side. I was thinking about cutting it back as well. Any thought on this? I am really hoping to clean it up a bit.
  14. I pm'd him earlier. Appreciate it the heads up!
  15. Thanks Rich, but I'm looking for something that can be more reliable for long term use.
  16. I have a Quiet One external pump 1140 gph that I'd be willing to trade. Must be submersible!
  17. I have a 29 gallon acrylic rimless peninsula that I'm not using.
  18. Need a submersible return pump preferably around 700-900 gph.
  19. Looking for a quiet return pump. 700-1100 gph range
  20. Looking to buy a used light. PM me if you have one!
  21. He wants a mag 18, but they're on back order for 6 months
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