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Everything posted by innate1

  1. Congrats! Take much joy in it;it's the only time in your life people congratulate you for having unprotected sex:blink:
  2. What a good looking boy and in the right school colors and everything. Do ya'll need anything? I don't know if ya'll have a church family that is taking care of meals for you but if there is a need let me know.
  3. You'll never forget tonight! You will forever be linked to the grinch as your heart is about to break with all the love that is about to swell with in you. I'm so happy for you and your bride. keep us updated and congrats!
  4. Wow Andrew and doktorstick have raised the bar pretty high!
  5. I won't venture into the political debate but I do wonder why there is no talk of legislating that insurance companies be held accountable for their actions. On one hand they will state that losses were high so they must raise premiums and cut benifits and then to the stock holders they speak of record profits.
  6. if your too quick and call bs you may be calling mama not too long after. I was doing some scaping in the tank and some palys fell over I caught them and put them back. I could tell they slimed me, I finished what I was doing and then washed my hands when I was done. Later that evening I thought I was going to die. I am very carefull with paly's now and would urge all to use the same caution.
  7. thanks and thanks Mama for my birthday babies.
  8. I'll be bringing a huge devils glove, some electric blue mushrooms, eagle eye, bam bam, egg in the mouth, and green with yellow skirts zoas, and lunar eclipse and devils armor paly's. and a 125 w mh pendant
  9. My wife runs the dishwasher at night and I have to get up and check the tank if I hear it cycle. It's good to know I'm not the only dork out there. Dyslexics of the world untie!
  10. Happy Birthday Dena, have a great day!
  11. I'm in do we need/want to bring munchies?
  12. You need to post an asking price
  13. Hey I feel your pain. Cyano almost got the best of me. I did the more flow, redirect the flow, lights out, red slime remover you name it I did it. All while my tank tested w/in normarl params. I was using a converted wet dry filter as my sump and I guess the flow through there was my problem. I recently installed a sump and my tank is looking great. I don't know if this helps you or not I just wanted to point out that no one ever mentioned that I should look at my sump. I don't think the lights out will work. You have to keep looking till you find the cause or the red menace will just come back. If you want some help brainstorming LMK and I'll come over and see if I see anything.
  14. He's got plenty o both. So how does the 16th sound and where?
  15. I've got a table top and chips, pug we could do a low cost buy in but check out some sites to learn;they have poker on facebook. What I think would be really cool would be to play for frags but whatever. I just want to get to know you guys better and hang out so I'm pretty open on Fridays.
  16. we should add a poker game to the cigars and scotch, but depending on date I'm in.
  17. mix up some new salt water and get him in it is what I'd do. Do a water change and watch him. Just my 2 cents. good luck.
  18. Thanks for the mangroves and the all around awesomeness you constantly show!
  19. it was good to meet you both, welcome!
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