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Everything posted by innate1

  1. just put in new t5's in the outer orbit guiseman pure actinics and actinic + looks purdy.
  2. innate1

    New to ARC

    Welcome! I didn't notice your substrate too busy looking at your rock.
  3. I waited until Jake got some small, I mean really small hippo's. I have a 75 and my hippo was the size of say a quarter. I'll trade him back before he gets too big and start all over with a tiny one.
  4. I'm coming but not wearing bells, they clash with my bows
  5. will you post a pic of the pearlberry? A} I think it's what I want and B} you take great pics
  6. This is what I'm talking about Kasey
  7. When I switched to 14k's I toasted my green slimmer. I would recomend you start off with just three hours and gradually lengthen it. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Happy Birthday MaMa!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great day!
  9. When I switched I cooked my green slimer and my red digi, I just ordered new t5s and was talking to Julio at aquacave and he said next time I change bulbs to do exactly what Daniel said to do.
  10. I love my Phoenix 14k! I love what it does to the color, I might not get as much growth as I had with the 20k but the colors pop.
  11. Does anyone use brightwell products?
  12. I just didn't know how a powder would go bad.
  13. Are we still talking about reef roids? Mine are powdered.
  14. The manning's are awesome!

  15. I'll look for you at the frag swap, I want a chalice.
  16. I like the pantyhose idea, the toothpick method stinks to high heaven.
  17. I hope your Tang pulls through! Keep us posted.
  18. I got some blue hornets and kedds reds from J.R. and they were opening in the bag! Very healthy very nice. I would suggest you jump on the frags he has. I promise you'll kick yourself if you don't. Thanks again J.R.
  19. That's funny Rob. Andrew he's right. Pics.
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